Study Plus courses are running online during the summer term.
You can pick up some really useful employability and life skills, or just learn for pleasure with our summer term courses:
Career Toolkit (KE198): learn how to use LinkedIn effectively, and improve your phone and video interview skills
Communicate with Confidence (KE095): learn how to communicate clearly and confidently even when faced with challenging situations
Digital Photography (KE122): suitable for beginners and those with some experience who want to learn about manual camera settings and improve their photography skills (you will need your own digital SLR or bridge camera)
Genetic Engineering in Dystopian Literature (KE205): this course looks at the way writers have responded to anxieties arising from the discovery of the structure of DNA and cloning.
Introduction to Chinese Taoist Philosophy (KE145): learn about Taoist philosophy from its early roots in Chinese Shamanism, through to the modern day
Meditation for Study, Work and Life (KE097): learn about different ways to meditate, including Mindfulness and Taoist practices.
All Study Plus courses are free of charge and available to all registered University of Kent students.
To read more about the courses before signing up, go to the Study Plus website.
To sign up, go to Workshops in the Student Data System (SDS):
Shortly before each course starts we will email all students who have signed up, with details of how to join the course online.