Dr Ellie Lee, Director of the Centre for Parenting Culture Studies based in the School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, is presenting the paper ‘After the ‘need for….. a father’: ‘The welfare of the child’ and ‘supportive parenting’ in UK assisted conception clinics at the Confronting Science, Law and Bioethics event on Wednesday 25 February. This is one of a series of events organised by Kent Law School (KLS), Bioethics Institute Ghent (BIG), and the University of Kent Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of Reproduction (CISoR). Further details of the event can be found on the CISoR blog.
Dr Lee’s research and teaching draws on constructionist theories of social problems and sociological concepts such as ‘risk consciousness’ and ‘medicalisation’ to analyse the evolution of family policy and health policy.