Disability History Month

Disability History Month runs throughout November and December.

Themed around Leadership, Resistance and Culture, DHM 2019 features a variety of events and activities that all staff and students can get involved with.

Key highlights include:

The Mike Oliver Exhibition in Canterbury (Keynes Teaching Foyer) and Medway (Drill Hall Library)

The Mike Oliver Exhibition Launch, Tuesday 26 November, 6-8pm, Keynes Teaching Foyer

Talk by Dr Damien Milton: The Influence of the Social Model of Disability on the Neurodiversity Movement, 5 December, 12-1, Grimond LT3

Talk by Dr. Howard Leicester, MBE: researcher in the field of health informatics and campaigner for accessible information. He has made a significant contribution to the NHS Accessible Information Standard. 13 December, 6-8pm, Grimond LT3.

Student Employability Sessions

‘Accessible Employment, A Useful Guide for Students’, 27 November, 1-2pm and 2-3pm, Cornwallis Octagon LT3

Change 100 Career Session (Medway), 5 December, 10-11am, Gillingham 4-03

Change 100 Career Session (Canterbury), 5 December, 1-2pm, ELT2

Staff Training Sessions

‘Improving Accessibility, What Can I Do?’, 26 November, 1-2pm, Keynes S15; 3 December, 1-2pm, Keynes S17; 10 December, 1-2pm, Keynes S17

‘ We All Have Mental Health’, 11th December 1.30-2.30pm, Keynes S16

‘Reasonable Adjustments’, 13th December, 10.00-11.00am, Keynes S16

All bookable through Staff Connect.

For the full programme, please see www.kentunion.co.uk/DHM