A series of events are taking place on the Canterbury Campus, to which all are welcome.
These begin, on Monday 12 November, with a presentation about the ‘spiritual’ diarist and Holocaust victim Etty Hillesum by visiting speaker Dr Philip Knight (17.30, KLT 2) and continue on Wednesday 14 November with an invitation to visit Canterbury Mosque (14.00-16.00, Giles Lane) and, later on, an evening Symposium led by a variety of speakers on the theme of ‘Knowing God’ (KLT5, 18.00-19.00 and followed by vegetarian buffet).
On Wednesday 21 November a paper ‘Luke’s Gospel and The Qur’an: an Inter-textual Study’ will be given by Revd Dr Stephen Laird, Anglican Chaplain (CNWsr2, 13.00-14.00).
Contact chaplaincy@kent.ac.uk for further details.