Dr Xiaofan Amy Li, Lecturer in the Department of Comparative Literature, has contributed an essay to the newly published edited volume Minding Borders: Resilient Divisions in Literature, the Body and the Academy (Legenda, 2017).
The essay, entitled ‘When Do Different Literatures Become Comparable? The Vague Borders of Comparability and Incomparability’, explores the state of the discipline of Comparative Literature as a matter of crossing borders, and considers how far discussions, in the philosophy of comparison can revise critical thinking and methods in comparative literature.
The edited book Minding Borders, where the essay is published, traces the troubling and yet generative resilience of borders. It explores how borders define as well as exclude, protect as well as violate, and nurture some identities while negating others. A book launch event was held on the 27 November 2017 at St Anne’s College, Oxford, where Amy joined the discussion with the editors Matthew Reynolds, Adriana X. Jacobs, Ben Morgan, Mohamed-Salah Omri, and Nicola Gardini.
Find more information about the book and discussion event.