Two student smiling outside Drill Hall Library

Medway Engagement Support Team

The Medway Engagement Support team would like to remind you that we are here to provide you with support and guidance if you need any assistance during your studies. Please do get in touch with us or book a support meeting (online or in-person) if you require any support.

If you are experiencing any extenuating circumstances that are preventing you from fully engaging with your studies, please do get in touch. Our team will be able to offer you information, guidance, and support. For your reference,  see helpful information and guidance about the University’s extenuating circumstances procedures.  You can also contact your Academic Advisor and the Skills for Academic Success Team (SAS) if you require any additional support during your studies.

As part of our role, we monitor your attendance in accordance with the University’s Student Attendance and Engagement Policy.  If you are unable to attend a timetabled teaching event, please ensure that you report your absence via Presto.  You should also contact your teaching staff directly regarding your missed lectures/seminars to catch-up on any work missed.

We would also like to highlight the University’s Student Support and Wellbeing (SSW) service that you may wish to access for additional support. The Medway SSW team are located on the First Floor of the Medway Building and are available Monday to Friday 9:00 – 17:00. You can contact the service via email or via telephone on 01634 888474.

We hope the above information is helpful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.