laptop showing new student website

New student website launching on 29 July

On Monday 29 July, we are launching a new website for current students, and it will have a new name – My Kent.  

The new student website will be designed for current students making it easier for you to find the information you need while studying at Kent. 

Benefits include: 

🔎 A search bar that only searches services and information for current Kent students 

📚 All your Kent services and systems in one place 

🚀Improved design informed by students and user experience experts 

🌍 Website navigation designed for current students only 

These changes are following student feedback that you find it hard to find the information you need on the current Kent website. 

This is the start of a journey of continuous improvements to the website experience for Kent students. So once it launches tell us what you like, and don’t like, so we can continue to improve the student website for you. 

What do I need to do? 

Nothing. When the new student website launches we will let you know and you will be automatically redirected. This change won’t affect Moodle, KentVision, your email or timetable. 

For consistency, the name of the student app will also change to My Kent Student App shortly after the new current student website launches. 

If you have any questions in the meantime, please email