The Student Action for Refugees (STAR) society at Kent is a remarkable student-led organisation that advocates for refugee rights and fostering a welcoming environment for refugees and asylum seekers on campus. With a rich history that traces back to its inception at the University of Nottingham almost thirty years ago, STAR has evolved into a national network of student groups across the UK comprising of around 34,000 students. The committee members of UKC STAR are passionate individuals who actively campaign, fundraise, and volunteer to challenge hostile government policies and support those in need. Come along to find out more and grab a sweet treat at the Canterbury campus us their our bake sale on Tuesday 10th October at 1pm on the Plaza outside the coop. Let’s meet the inspiring voices behind this dedicated team…
Ewen Rivallain – President:
“I am the newly elected President of UKC Student Action for Refugees, dedicated to fostering a welcoming environment for refugees and asylum seekers on campus.”
Ewen, the newly elected President of UKC Student Action for Refugees, is committed to creating a welcoming environment for refugees and asylum seekers on campus. With a focus on member engagement and community projects, Ewen and UKC STAR are determined to make a difference in the lives of those in need.
Cassandra Ross – Vice President:
“I wish to aid refugees in any way possible and to encourage people to join us in doing so.”
Cassandra, a third-year student in Politics and International Relations, is the Vice President of UKC STAR. Her genuine interest in understanding the struggles faced by the refugee community motivated her to join the committee. Cassandra’s primary goal is to raise awareness about refugee issues on campus and help create a more welcoming environment for refugees in the UK.
Marie Legraverend – Secretary:
“We have a lot of ideas to get you involved in creating a welcoming environment for refugees in Canterbury and in the UK in general.”
As the upcoming Kent STAR Secretary, Marie, a 3rd-year Politics and International Relations student, is deeply committed to resolving the human rights issues surrounding refugees. Having previously served as the Treasurer, Marie is passionate about raising awareness, volunteering, campaigning, and fundraising. She invites everyone to join in their efforts to make a difference.
Leah Tesfu – Marketing and Collaboration Coordinator:
“I joined STAR as I wanted to be a part of a society that brings about positive change.”
Leah, a final year Biomedical Science student, serves as the Marketing and Collaboration Coordinator for Kent STAR. Drawn to STAR’s mission of building a more understanding and just society for refugees, Leah is eager to contribute to the society’s initiatives and projects. The clothes donation point project is particularly close to her heart, as it provides support to refugees while reducing waste on campus.
Romain Picon – Events Officer:
“If you want to start making a difference today, you can donate your old clothes at the various clothes donation points on campus.”
Romain, a third-year student in Politics and International Relations from Bordeaux, France, discovered STAR last year as a volunteer. Inspired by attending talks on refugees and participating in protests against proposed government legislation, Romain is determined to continue taking action. He encourages others to join in the efforts to support refugee rights and help those in indefinite immigration detention.
Want to get involved?
During this academic year, our priority is to involve our members as much as possible! We are in the process of setting up volunteer opportunities for students wishing to get involved in supporting refugees and asylum seekers in the local area, and we have several conferences planned to discuss important issues surrounding refugees and asylum seekers. Come and see us at our bake sale on Tuesday 10th October at 1pm on the Plaza outside the coop if you would like to know more, or get your free membership on Kent Union to be informed about all of our upcoming events!
If you’d like to find out more about STAR at Kent or join the society, have a look at their Kent Union page, or if you use Instagram, give STAR Kent a follow to see what’s happening next.