Employability Festival from 10 -21 October at Canterbury and Medway, on campus and online

How to prepare for the South East Virtual Careers Fair 2022

The South East Virtual Careers Fair 2022 takes place on Wednesday 19 October, and here’s how you can prepare:

  1. Register early
    University of Kent students have early access to book appointments with exhibitors. Register now.
  2. Create a profile
    Exhibitors can search the attendee profiles for students that meet their recruitment criteria and reach out to invite you to chat.
  3. Do your research.
    View the company profiles and virtual booths and find out about their opportunities. Many staff representatives add their LinkedIn information. Take a look at who you will be meeting with; what field do they work in? Any projects that interest you?
  4. Exhibitors will be giving live “pitch” presentations on zoom throughout the day.
    Check out the list on the platform and decide on which ones you want to attend. Write down any questions you have during the session, then visit the virtual booth to find out more.
  5. What will an employer want to know about you?
    Have in mind a short overview about your background, studies and career goals. You’ll then have a clearer idea about what you want to say when meeting.
  6. If there is the option, always turn your video on
    It looks more professional and helps to build rapport when you can see who you are speaking with. If you do not have video capability or a poor connection, let the recruiter know.
  7. Be engaged in the conversation and actively listen.
    Smile and try to maintain good eye contact, looking into the camera when speaking.
  8. Follow up.
    If you had a good conversation, connect with the employer afterwards e.g., on LinkedIn.
  9. Apply!
    Make a note of deadlines and start your applications. Mention any valuable conversations in your application, highlighting what you learnt and why that’s encouraged you to apply!