Most of us are becoming more familiar with virtual meetings on platforms such as M365 Teams. While it’s great to be able to continue to connect with colleagues in this way, lengthy remote meetings can be intense and some people find them more tiring than in-person discussions.
Our COPE Framework is designed to help you work remotely and includes some useful hints and tips on virtual meetings, including:
- Apply the same good practices as for face-to-face meetings – eg good agenda management and ensuring everyone can contribute.
- Try to minimise the number of meetings where participants ‘round the table’ simply report and update on what they’ve done since the group last met.
- To support staff wellbeing, it is strongly recommended to take a short break in any meeting lasting 60 minutes or more. We also recommend that no virtual meetings take place between 12.30 and 13.30 to ensure we all have time to eat!
- Agree whether you have cameras on or off as part of the ‘ground rules’ for the meeting. It’s preferable to switch your camera on when you’re speaking or asking a question.
- Recording a meeting could be helpful for those who could not attend, but only do this with the agreement of all participants.
- When chairing a remote meeting, allow for longer pauses and silence after asking a question or inviting contributions. This gives people time to think as well as switch their microphone/camera back on.
- Bear in mind two key principles for all meetings – remote or otherwise: BE RESPECTFUL of others’ time and contribution and BE PRESENT, focusing on the meeting rather than eg checking emails and completing other work.
You can find out more about adapting to our new ways of working in the updated COPE Framework.