The Study Plus scheme is part of the Kent Extra range of activities available to University of Kent students. It provides a range of short-term courses and workshops which can improve your employability skills, develop your personal creativity or expand your cultural and academic knowledge.
Free to students registered on an existing Kent programme of study, Study Plus builds your key transferable skills alongside your main subject specialism. It also enhances your student experience through providing a chance to learn new skills alongside your degree.
Study Plus courses are non credit bearing. You will be eligible for Employability Points and if your attendance on a Study Plus course meets the minimum requirement of 66% the course will appear on your Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR).
It’s amazing the impact that a short Study Plus course can have, some students have used the scheme as a springboard to a career path.
Cassie Barnard took Digital Photography when she was a student at Kent. She is now building her career as a music photographer as a result. Read about her experience of the course and see some of her work.
Study Plus will be undergoing some changes for 2020/21, the details of which have yet to be finalised. If you would like to find out about future courses, please join the mailing list (using your student email).