In line with Government guidelines on Covid-19, we are limiting face-to-face contact and adopting recommended social distancing measures. Unless physical access is absolutely essential, all staff should be working from home.
Setting up at home
Our HR and IS teams have put together a handy guide to working at home. This includes useful information on:
- Redirecting your office phone
- Setting up your work station and Display Screen Equipment
- Accessing network files through the VPN (Virtual Private Network)
- Storing sensitive data
- Using Office 365
- Accessing Staff Connect
- Staying in touch with your team members (eg through Skype for Business)
- Links to key resources
IS have also published a comprehensive guide to accessing and using our IT services from home or elsewhere off-campus.
In addition, you can find helpful advice on setting up your home work station in new guidance from our Safety, Health and Environment Unit.
If you can’t work at home
If you are unable to work due to caring responsibilities, then you should contact your manager. Our focus is on maintaining core services and it may be (particularly if two parents are working from home) that it is possible to rotate caring responsibilities so that you can undertake at least some of your core tasks. If staff are unable to work, they will be expected to use any accrued TOIL by agreement with their manager but pay will be maintained as normal.
For timesheet staff who are available for work and have already agreed working hours, their manager will arrange for these hours to be paid in the usual way. Timesheet staff who have not agreed any working hours will not be paid.
Hourly-paid lecturers (HPLs) who have moved their teaching online and continue to support their students should continue to submit timesheets to their school for payment as normal. HPLs who are not able to continue with their teaching duties should speak to their school regarding alternative activities.
How it affects your pay
Our new University Pay Policy related to COVID-19 sets out temporary changes from standard policies, recognising that staff may find it difficult to work from home or while caring for dependents and that staff are concerned about their pay.