two male students walking on Medway campus

Join our Medway photoshoot and receive a £10 Amazon voucher

Fancy taking part in the University’s photoshoot on Tuesday 12 November? It can be a lot of fun and for every student who takes part, we’ll be saying thank you with a £10 Amazon voucher.

You don’t even have to pose! Most of our photos merely require you to sit and chat to your fellow students in various locations around the campus. Sounds good?

We have three photography slots to choose from:

10.15am – 11.15am

11.30am – 12.30am

12.30pm – 1.30pm

To volunteer, simply email Karen ( in the Publishing Office as soon as you can. State in your email which time slots you can manage. And if we book you for more than one slot, you’ll receive more than one voucher.