Monthly Archives: March 2019

Darwin cycle shelter

Cycle facilities on campus

Have you considered cycling to the University? Cycling is a great way to improve your physical and mental health. See our numbered cycle shelter map to find where your nearest cycle shelter is located.

How to gain access to Canterbury lockable cycle shelters

  • For access to the Library cycle shelter email with your name, staff or student number, number on back of your Kent One card, type and colour of bike and any identifying features of your bicycle.
  • For other lockable cycle shelters come to the Security and Transport Centre with your Kent One card to gain access.

How to gain access to Medway lockable cycle shelters

  • For access to the lockable cycle shelter at Medway, email with your name, staff or student number and number on the back of your Kent One card.
Staff with laptop

New staff recruitment website goes live today

From today, 6 March, all staff vacancies will be advertised on a new system and a new look website.

The previous platform, i-Grasp has been replaced with a new system, Stonefish. If you wish to continue to receive job alerts, you must register and create a new account at

To view and apply for internal only vacancies, you will need to use the Staff Login button which uses your University login details. Internal only vacancies will no longer be visible to external candidates.

This change is the final development in the second phase of Staff Connect, which aims to streamline our HR processes. Since October 2018, this has seen the introduction of training, appraisals (RPD), annual leave and absence management into one system. Although this is part of the Staff Connect project, a separate software solution called Stonefish has been selected as it is more tailored to the HE sector and presents a slicker, more intuitive, user interface which is in line with the Kent brand.

There are a number of benefits to the system:

  • Candidates will find the registration and application process easier than i-Grasp.
  • Hiring managers will no longer need to complete manual forms. Stonefish will be the single source of information about recruitment and duplication of data entry will be eliminated. An improved shortlisting process will be conducted online along with the ability to have anonymous shortlisting where appropriate (the latter will support the University’s Diversity & Inclusion and Athena SWAN commitments).
  • Centrally, having a more uniform automated process will help drive efficiency and consistency and enable the resourcing team to handle high volume recruitment without damaging candidate perceptions or adding to management workloads. It will also provide better and more accessible management information.

Support sessions for all hiring managers are running throughout March and April. There will also be user guides available on the resourcing web pages. Your resourcing contacts will also be available to coach and take you through how to use the system.

If you have any questions, please contact the Resourcing Team at

Attendance Management

Attendance Management 

Learning and Organisational Development are running an Attendance Management training session at the Canterbury Campus on Thursday 14 March, from 09.30-12.30.

For further information, and to book a place, please visit your Staff Connect Dashboard.

Please book your place by Monday 11 March,12 noon.

Instagram video

Would you like to feature in our new Instagram videos?

As part of the University’s international recruitment campaigns, we’re creating a series of short Instagram videos and need enthusiastic Kent students to take part.

Each one-minute video will cover an aspect of life at Kent – our courses, what the lecturers are like, student life, extra-curricular activities etc – and be published to the University’s main Instagram account.

If you would like to help promote the University by featuring in one of these videos and talking about your experience of Kent, please email Kieren Kershaw, International Digital Marketing Intern, on by Friday 15 March.

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday in Eliot Chapel

There will be a traditional church service for the beginning of Lent, with Communion and ‘Ashing’, in Eliot College Chapel at 12.30pm on Wednesday 6 March.

The 35-minute service will be led by Revd Dr Stephen Laird, Anglican Chaplain. Christian students and staff of all traditions are welcome to attend. [Note: Catholic students can take part and receive the imposition of ashes even if they feel that they are not in a position receive the Sacrament].

Learning & Teaching Network session – Online resources for enhanced interaction

Colleagues are invited to attend the Learning and Teaching Network session taking place on Wednesday 13 March 2019, from 13.15-14.30 in the UELT Seminar Room, Canterbury.

Dr Patricia Lewis, Reader in Management, Kent Business School will present this session on ‘Online resources for enhanced interaction’.

The session aims to explore and discuss the process of creating and adapting learning and teaching resources for online, distance learning. We will look at the case study of the KBS undergraduate module ‘Introduction to Management’, which is taught both on campus in Canterbury and online as part of the Higher and Degree Apprenticeship provision.

The development of resources designed to enhance online interaction must focus on providing opportunities and purposeful activities to stimulate student exchanges. This resulted in creating a set of materials that also benefited the face-to-face module, as they offered new opportunities to re-think approaches to content delivery.

The session will be interactive and participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss their experience and examples.

If you have not already confirmed your attendance and wish to attend, please complete the  booking form  on our Teaching webpages.

The Old Buttermarket

pubTALK ‘Secular Muslim Women’s Activism in the Age of ISIS’

On Monday 11 March, Q-Step at Kent is very pleased to welcome Hind Elhinnawy from the University of Kent to give a pubTALK entitled, ‘Secular Muslim Women’s Activism in the Age of ISIS’.

The talk will take place at The Old Buttermarket, Canterbury, at 19.00 for 19.30.  All are welcome – come and share a drink and join in the discussion!

Experiencing abuse, harassment, and sometimes death threats from ‘radical Islamists’, and accused of collaborating with Western imperialism by importing alien ideas and practices, secular Muslim women activists challenge discriminatory laws within Islamic texts, reject and condemn the jihadist political message, and assert that human rights laws have precedence over religious and cultural considerations.

In this presentation, Hind Elhinnawy will focus on two organisations run by two secular Muslim women activists; “Inspire” a counter-extremism and women’s rights organisation; and “Mother’s Brigade” a French organisation that provides support for traumatised mothers of foreign fighters working to save children from recruitment in extremist and jihadist groups. In doing so, she hopes to unravel many of the tensions, conflicts and ambiguities that mark the nature of activism of Muslim women in the West opposing what they define as “violent Islamist Extremism”.



Brexit – Staff legal briefings

As Brexit negotiations continue towards the UK leaving the EU on 29 March, we have arranged legal briefings which will be delivered by Kevin Smyth from Kesar & Co Solicitors.

It is hoped that the position of the UK leaving the EU, legislative changes and the impact on EEA citizens and their family members will be clearer by the time of the briefings so that they can be explained and discussed.

Each briefing will include an opportunity for informal discussions with colleagues, HR and Kevin Smyth.

Staff are asked to express an interest in one session only using the Doodle event. As spaces are limited to 50 attendees per session (30 spaces at Medway), staff are advised to submit their interest as soon as possible to secure a place.

Sessions will be held as follows:

  • Monday 18 March 2019 – 10.00 to 11.30, Canterbury Campus
  • Tuesday 19 March 2019 – 10.00 to 11:30 and 13.30 to 15.00, Canterbury Campus
  • Friday 22 March 2019 – 10.00 to 11.30 and 13.30 to 15.00, Canterbury Campus
  • Monday 25 March 2019 – 10.00 to 11.30 and 13.30 to 15.00, Canterbury Campus
  • Tuesday 26 March 2019 -10.00 to 11.30, Medway Campus

A Brexit Staff Newsletter (February 2019) has also been produced which provides useful legislative and news updates, along with contacts and resources for further information.

Further Brexit information and resources can be found on our Kent and Brexit webpages.

Red Letter Box

New Postal Services timetable from 11 March

From Monday 11 March 2019,  Postal Services will be operating a new timetable for deliveries and collections at the Canterbury campus.

A copy of the timetable for your building can be found on the Estates Department’s website or by clicking here.

If you have outgoing business post which needs to leave the campus after the scheduled delivery/collection time for your building, Postal Services will still accept it if it is brought to the Post Room between 09.00 and 15.00, Monday to Friday (with the exception of Bank Holidays).

In addition to this, the Postal Counter Service, open to all staff and students, will be changing its opening hours to 13.00 to 14.00, Monday to Friday. General advice and information on sending personal post and packages can be found on the Postal Services web page.

Please contact Estates Customer Services on ext 16666, or by email if you have any questions regarding this.

Estates Customer Services

International Women’s Day 2019

In celebration of International Women’s Day on 8 March, here are a range events taking place across our campuses to celebrate women and their achievements:

Friday 1 March

  • Songs of Freedom workshop with Sabina Desirt & Jessica Lauren – A singing workshop utilising on a song about political activism – 17-18.00, The Gulbenkian.
  •  The Jazz Sessions: Jessica Lauren’s Naga 5 – Composer and jazz keys player Jessica Lauren with a 5 piece ensemble for a special concert exploring female empowerment – 19.30, The Gulbenkian.
  • UKC Women’s Campaign present Pink Shirts – The Women’s Campaign are raising money for Coppafeel by selling pink t-shirts until 8 March. Get yours in Essentials!
  • Gender Equality Survey – the survey is open to women until 8 March 2019.
  • Get Talking –  If you don’t have anything planned for your area how about following the footsteps of the HR department and promote famous and influential woman and get the conversation flowing? Contact Equality & Diversity for your information pack.

Wednesday 6 March

  •  Wear Pink – All staff and students are invited to wear pink for charity.
  • ‘On Wednesday’s We Wear Pink’ – The Women’s Officer and the UniBoob Team present a IWD Vensday takeover at The Venue.

Thursday 7 March

  • Self Identity and Empowerment Painting Workshop: Female-identifying only painting workshop (from 18.00, location TBC). Register your interest and find out more from Yvonne Ayeni.

Friday 8 March

  • Uchenna Dance – The Head Wrap Diaries
  • Self-Identity and Empowerment Exhibition (time and location TBC)
  • Unravelling the mysteries of the menopause and the taboo! – Book via Staff Connect (search ‘menopause’) – 09.30-11.15, Rochester Board Room.
  • Athena SWAN ‘Balance for Better’  – International Women’s Day at Kent Q&A from 12-14.00 in Grimond Lecture Theatre 3.
  • Inspiring International Women: Shown and Tell – 13-14.00 in UELT Seminar Room – Register your interest.
  • Funny Rabbit Comedy Club – An all-female line up of comedians for our regular comedy night. Featuring, Jayde Adams, Tanyalee Davis and Carrieann Redneck.
  • A Quiz Night Out – Kent RaG have teamed up with K-Bar, Woody’s, Origins, Mungo’s and Cargo to host a campus-wide charity pub quiz on Friday 8 March to commemorate International Women’s Day!

Sunday 10 March

  • This Girl Can Family Day – A day for all the family to celebrate women and girls and champion gender equality. Featuring clay-modelling workshops, films directed by and about girls/women, science workshops/demos, a disco and pop-up performances
  • F-rated films

Thursday 14 March

  • Kent Sport Q&A with Claudia Du Val, #1 ranked female MMA black belt. (More details to follow.)


In honour of International Women’s Day, Student Services, the Library and Kent Union have compiled a suggested reading list of titles that focus on female empowerment. Titles are classic and modern, fiction and non-fiction, sad and funny so there should be something there for everyone! Copies available of selected titles.