Monthly Archives: March 2019


TaPRA award for digital acting resource

Physical Actor Training – An Online A-Z, a digital resource created by Professor Paul Allain, Professor of Theatre and Performance in the School of Arts and Dean of the Graduate School, Stacie Lee Bennett, Honorary Senior Research Associate in Arts at Kent, and Professor Frank Camilleri of the University of Malta, has been nominated for the David Bradby Award by the Theatre and Performance Research Association (TaPRA).

TaPRA was formed by a group of senior academics in theatre and performance, including Professor Allain, to promote the growth of research in the field by fostering a cooperative and collaborative ethos that would benefit postgraduate students, early career researchers and provide a platform to share the diverse discoveries of the discipline. The David Bradby Award celebrates outstanding research, including practice-based/applied research, in any theatre or performance area or discipline.

PATAZ: Physical Actor Training – An Online A-Z establishes a foundation for physical training exercises through over 60 dynamic videos with accompanying audio commentary, reflection, and texts for today’s physical actor, teacher, and trainer. Using innovative camera work and editing processes, each film explores a term from their A-Z, ranging from specific skills like Grounding and Balance to more abstract concepts like Energy or Craft.

The winner(s) of the David Bradby Award will be invited to present a keynote lecture at TaPRA’s annual conference in 2020.

PATAZ is available via Bloomsbury Publishing’s digital platform Drama Online, a digital resource available on subscription or as a one-time purchase to schools, colleges, conservatoires and university libraries worldwide:

Several of the films and more about the project are available here:

Drama Online is a constantly growing collection of drama play texts, video and audio, providing contextual and critical background through scholarly works and practical guides for theatre students, teachers and practitioners. Physical Actor Training – an Online A-Z adds bespoke actor training content of the highest quality to the collection.

E-Learning Forum: The Centre for Higher and Degree Apprenticeships and Distance Learning

The Centre for Higher and Degree Apprenticeships has grown considerably over the past two years and UELT are proud to announce an e-Learning Forum on Tuesday 2 April to show how apprenticeship programmes are developed, designed and delivered.

This session – from 12.00-13.30 in the UELT Seminar Room, Canterbury campus – will clarify how the existing apprenticeship modules are created, from their initial conception through to academic release with support offered by CHDA and UELT.

Academics from CHDA will provide information on how they create content, interact with learners and deal with the challenges they face on a daily basis and Dr Scott Wildman, the Centre Director, will also be on hand to discuss the process of embarking on new Degree Apprenticeships.

In addition, we will take an in-depth look at some existing modules, explain the reasons behind their design and look at how existing face-to-face modules can be adapted for distance learning. This will be an opportunity for colleagues to find out more about apprenticeships and discuss the potential for developing new programmes.

To confirm your attendance, please complete the online booking form.

Solving the UK’s Productivity Puzzle showcase event

Join us on Wednesday 10 April at the Canterbury campus to find out why understanding productivity is vital for business and what can we can do to improve it.

At this event, businesses and Kent staff will have the opportunity to be involved in shaping ideas and responses to the productivity challenges businesses are facing. Along with university experts on productivity and innovation, the event will hear from companies including Viridor and AbBaltis Ltd, as well as the Chief Executive of the Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce and the Head of the Kent and Medway Growth Hub.

The event’s keynote speaker, Ralph Meyer, Global Customer Success Manager for LinkedIn, will outline why data is crucial to an understanding of how organisations can improve productivity.

One-to-one meetings with our business relationship team and advice on funding for innovation and improving productivity will be available to all businesses who book in advance. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

To reserve your place at our annual showcase event please visit the Eventbrite booking page.

SECL Academic Peer Mentors recognised

Final year students Elise McMellin and Eva Rahman, from the Department of English Language and Linguistics, and Alex Davies, from the Department of Classical and Archaeological Studies, were recognised at a recent awards ceremony for their participation in the Academic Peer Mentoring Scheme this year.

The APM scheme is a chance for second and third year students to mentor first years in their subjects. This can be of great benefit to any first year struggling with their modules and getting to grips with a new subject, but can also be the difference between a 2:1 and a First. Alex Davis, a final year student and mentor for CLAS, gave a speech at the event about her positive experiences with the scheme, and spoke about how being a mentor was beneficial for her own studies as well.

Alex Davis said: ‘Before each meeting I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to help my mentees, but having met with them and talked through various things they were concerned about, I was happy to realise that I could make a genuine difference! Also, helping them refocused me on my own studies and reminded me how much I had learned during these three years.’

The scheme has been a great success this year and we are very grateful to all our Academic Peer Mentors for taking part!

Nostalgia podcast with Jo Pearsall

In the latest episode of the Nostalgia podcast series, Dr Chris Deacy, Reader in Theology and Religious Studies in the Department of Religious Studies, speaks to Jo Pearsall, Deputy Secretary of Council and the Court at the University, and an alumna of the School of History.

Jo discusses how her earliest memories seem to be from photos and we learn that, despite coming from a sporty family, she isn’t sporty herself. Jo also talks about how strange it feels to work in the same university from which she graduated ten years previously; listening to the ‘Pina Colada’ song as a child; the relative merits of reading for pleasure and reading for study; why she was freaked out by ‘Witness’; whether she was a ‘Swap Shop’ or a ‘Tiswas’ person on Saturday mornings; why she was keen on studying 18th century history; the importance of degree congregations, her love of opera and Cher, what would have happened if Staffordshire County Council hadn’t given her free violin lessons up until the age of 18, and what might have happened if her dreams had been even bigger!


Canterbury University Film Festival

The 2019 Canterbury University Film Festival (CUFF) will be held this weekend 23 and 24 March 2019.

CUFF is an independent festival that provides an opportunity for the students from all three universities in Canterbury – the University of Kent, Canterbury Christchurch University and the University of the Creative Arts – to come together through their love of filmmaking. The festival will see a series of short films screened at the Curzon Cinema in Canterbury on the Sunday.

Students and alumni from the Department of Film in the School of Arts who are featuring in this year’s selection include Harry Nott, who graduated with an MA in Film with Practice in 2017; Bruce Parleton, who graduated with an MA in Film with Practice in 2018; Alexander Vanegus Sus, Nimasu Namsaren and Lorenzo Gianni, who are currently studying for the BA (Hons) in Film; Henry Davies, who graduated with his BA (Hons) in Film in 2015; and Daisy Reece who graduated with her BA (Hons) in Film with a Year Abroad in 2017.

On Saturday, there will be a panel discussing the process of developing from student to professional filmmaker at Waterstones Rose Lane in Canterbury at 6pm.

On Sunday, the screenings of student/alumni films at the Curzon will begin at 10am and will run until 1pm. The event is free to attend. For more details, please see the page here:

Furthermore, on the Sunday evening, there will be panel discussion following the 7pm showing of If Beale Street Could Talk at the Gulbenkian on campus.

To find out more about the Canterbury Film Festival, including details on the individual films to be shown, please see the Facebook page here:

Woodys new image

Woody’s alumni pub night

They say your time at university are the best years of your life and now’s your chance to relive them! Come along to Woody’s in Parkwood on the Canterbury campus from 18.00 onward on Tuesday 26 March. Free parking after 17.00.

Woody’s has been a staple of Kent life since 1994 and even though the building might have changed the atmosphere certainly hasn’t! The next Alumni Pub Night will be held at the BRAND NEW Woody’s on campus. In true Woody’s style we will have a fun pub quiz and lots of time to catch up with friends and maybe even make new ones. We can’t promise you’ll win but we can promise a free drink and hot snacks.

Come along and see how it has changed on Tuesday 26 March! Register here –

Half price on one-month Kent Sport memberships this April

Our popular one-month membership offer is back, but with a twist – ALL Gold Kent Sport memberships are half price!

From 1 April to 30 April 2019 inclusive, you and your friends and family can enjoy a wide range of activities for half the usual price of Gold public membership at Kent Sport.

Staff can get membership for just £13 – that’s just 80p per day. Juniors (anyone in full-time education or 16-18 years old) pay just £29. And those outside of the University get an all-access Gold membership for £37.

The spring membership offer provides unlimited access to modern sports facilities including the fitness suite, squash courts, all outdoor facilities and entry to all fitness and dance classes. If you’re looking to explore the campus, and maybe further, then Gold members can also hire a range of high-quality bikes for free through the Kent Sport Cycle Hub.

To purchase your membership, visit the Sports Centre or Pavilion receptions from Monday 1 April. Membership is available to purchase and use until the 30 April 2019 only. For further details and terms and conditions, please visit You can view the Kent Sport facility opening hours here.

*To apply for the junior rate please bring with you proof of full-time education (student card, etc.)

For relevant information such as Kent Sport news, events and special offers, Like us on Facebook, follow us Instagram and on Twitter @UniKentSports.

MA Theatre Festival 2019

The School of Arts launched its MA Theatre Festival last night, comprising two weeks of performances from students on our MA programmes in the Department of Drama and Theatre.

The festival kicked off with On Our Way by Scorched Ensemble, a group undertaking the MA in Physical Acting programme, which explored the life changing journey of becoming a refugee. A gallery of images from the performance is available here.

On Monday 25 March, there will be a rehearsed reading of an original play, Sexcapades, written by MA Theatre Making student Matthew Hessey. The play story about love and sex, and all the joy, despair, affirmation, rejection and hilarity each provides. To book, please see the Eventbrite page.

On Wednesday 27 March, MA in Theatre Making student group Scapegoat Theatre will be presenting Unload in the Forrest Studio. To book, please see the Eventbrite page.

On Thursday 28 March, there be a solo theatre performance, Reflection, by a MA Theatre Making student to convey the world of self-conflict using the mirror, projection and dance movements. The performance will be held in Jarman Studio 2. To book, please see the Eventbrite page.

On Friday 29 March, MA in Theatre Making group Scene 99 will present Unrest in Jarman Studio 1. The performance provides an opportunity to be a fly on the wall in a room of pure unrest, the bedroom. To book, please see the Eventbrite page.

Finally, the festival concludes on Monday 1 April with an adaptation of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s short story The Yellow Wallpaper by students on the MA in Theatre Making, held in the Aphra Theatre. Please note this is a schedule change to the previously advertised performance on 21 March. To book, please see the Eventbrite page here:

All events are free to attend. There is an age restriction of 18 and over for Sexcapades and Unload.

Alumnus Antonio Mascoli debuts film NAMRON at Flicks festival

Alumnus Antonio Mascoli, who graduated with an MA in Film with Practice in 2018, has had his film NAMRON selected to be included in the Flicks International Student Short Film Festival 2019, to be held  from 28 -29 March in Groningen, the Netherlands.

Flicks is a film festival originating from the Cultural Student Centre USVA in Groningen, which gives national and international student filmmakers the opportunity to participate by showcasing short films of up to 20 minutes in length.

NAMRON tells the story of 21-year-old Norman who is travelling to his parents’ house to tell them he’s in a same-sex relationship. But first he needs to accept the man he sees in the mirror. Sharing the journey with his boyfriend, Norman encounters different people and places, which evoke childhood memories and bring a lifelong inner turmoil back to the surface.

Speaking of the film, Antonio said: ‘NAMRON was produced as my final dissertation for the MA Film with Practice. The Master’s gave me the necessary technical and artistic confidence to make a movie about a complicated theme, about which we often think we know everything. Though, if there is still strong discrimination and prejudice nowadays, perhaps we know nothing after all.’

For more information about the Flicks Film Festival, please see the page on the Flicks Film Festival blog.