Following feedback from staff groups, new functionality has been added to Staff Connect and you are now able to record time off in lieu (TOIL) earned and taken in the system. This replaces individual TOIL management systems such as e-Days, spreadsheets or Outlook and provides as consistent way of recording absence across the University.
TOIL balances in Staff Connect are kept separate from annual leave entitlements. For Staff in grades 1-6 TOIL can be earned by the hour. For Staff in grades 7 and above, TOIL should be earned in half day or full day blocks. For all staff TOIL should be taken in half day or full day blocks. More guidance on the use of TOIL can be found in the Overview for Managers and there are employee and manager user guides available.
The introduction of the recording of TOIL in Staff Connect fits with the project’s aim to streamline our HR processes and provide employees and managers with a one-stop-shop for most HR-related activity. It supports the principles of Simplifying Kent in reducing duplication of systems with their associated costs and effort.