From Monday 8 April 2019, the Estates Cleaning team will begin operating a revised Service Level Statement at the Canterbury campus.
The buildings cleaned by the Estates Department, and included in this change are:
Aphra Studio Careers Advisory Service Campus Security
Colyer Fergusson Cornwallis – all areas Chipperfield & Extension
East Oast House Estates Grimond
Grounds Maintenance Gulbenkian Hothe Court
Jarman Jennison Lumley
Lupino Marlowe Medical Centre
Nursing Services Oaks Study Hub Olive Cottages (part)
Park Wood PC Room Pavilion Registry
Rutherford Annex Senate Sibson
Sports Centre Templeman Library UELT
West Oast House Wigoder Woodlands Annex
Residential buildings cleaned by Kent Hospitality staff, including the Colleges, are not affected by this change. This update to the cleaning service levels will alter the frequencies of cleaning in staff offices and kitchens.
A copy of the Estates Service Level Statement is available on the Estates Department’s website here. This document provides an overview and clarity regarding services provided by the department.
Please contact Estates Customer Services on ext 16666, or by email if you have any questions regarding this.