Kent Sport staff work hard to provide a professional service and to ensure you have an enjoyable experience within the sports facilities.
We’d like to recognise our staff for all that they do and need your help. We are excited to announce the brand new Kent Sport Reward and Recognition programme to highlight and reward our staff for their incredible work.
This is where you come in. When you experience great service from a member of staff, let us know who it was and what they did to help. Anyone can nominate a Kent Sport staff member and the reason is entirely up to you.
All you have to do is fill out a postcard at the Sports Centre or Pavilion receptions, making sure to include the staff member’s name and why you’re nominating them, and then drop the completed form in the blue box. Each term, the senior management team will review the nominations and decide who will receive a reward based on your nominations.
We can’t wait to see how our staff have helped you have a memorable experience. We will spotlight successful Kent Sport staff on our Recognition webpage and social media channels – so keep a look out.
Kent Sport is an exciting place to work and we strive for excellence in the service and facilities that we offer and making sure members enjoy being part of our community as much as we do. You can see all the benefits of working for Kent Sport and the University on our Work with us page. If you are interested in joining our team, find out more about staff benefits and membership benefits.