The latest issue of the Leadership Bulletin, designed to give an overview of key developments at Kent, is now available.
The latest issue (14 November 2018) includes a summary of discussions held at the latest Senior Leadership Forum including the University’s ‘Cyber Essentials’ certification, the Wellbeing Zone app which staff can now sign up to, and the return of Pint of Science next year.
There is also an update on Executive Group meetings, including KentVision, a continued focus on recruitment and a discussion around the impact of Europe and Brexit on staff, students and University business. The “long read” by Deputy Vice-Chancellor – Education, Professor April McMahon, focuses on the next steps for TEF (Teaching Excellence Framework).
The Bulletin is distributed fortnightly to all members of the Leadership Forum to cascade to staff in schools and professional service departments. If you haven’t received your copy yet, you can read the bulletin online.
Find out more about the Leadership Bulletin and see previous issues on the OVC webpages.