The School of Politics and International Relations is delighted to invite you to what promises to be a fascinating and highly topical talk and Q&A with University of Kent Chancellor and journalist, Gavin Esler and the School of Politics and International Relations very own Professor Matthew Goodwin. The talk, Q&A and book launch is entitled: National Populism: The Revolt Against Liberal Democracy.
All are welcome to attend (university staff and students and the general public). Free to attend but booking is necessary.
In this talk, University of Kent Chancellor Gavin Esler and Professor of Politics and International Relations, Matthew Goodwin will explore the roots of the current populist revolt in the West, from Brexit to Donald Trump, to Marine Le Pen in France and Matteo Salvini in Italy. Across the West, there is a rising tide of people who feel excluded, alienated from mainstream politics, and increasingly hostile towards minorities, immigrants and neo-liberal economics. Many of these voters are turning to national populist movements, which have begun to change the face of Western liberal democracy. But to what extent are these voters angry, old white men? Are their grievances economic or cultural? And is this political volatility a short-term protest or long-term realignment? With a presentation of new findings, a discussion and Q&A session, this event will “dig deep” to look at what is really going on and challenge some conventional wisdoms along the way.
Signed copies of Matthew Goodwin’s new book will be available to buy at the event.
National Populism: The Revolt Against Liberal Democracy
Thursday 8 November 2018, 19.00
Gulbenkian Café, University of Kent