A public consultation on our Campus Masterplan takes place in October. We’ll share our vision for the future evolution of the campus to best meet the needs of the University and of the wider city and region.
The Framework Masterplan proposals detail the framework within which we will make decisions on the future development of our estate in the short-term (2018 to 2021) and medium-term (2021 to 2031), covering the period defined within Canterbury City Council’s District Local Plan.
This latest version of the Masterplan takes into account the feedback that staff, students, local amenity groups and residents provided during the initial stages of consultation in 2016 and 2017.
We learned a lot from that feedback and we now invite you to share your views on the Framework Masterplan by attending our consultation events. They take place as follows:
- Saturday 6 October 2018, 10.00-16.00 at Westgate Hall, Canterbury
- Thursday 11 October 2018, 14.00-20.00 at Tyler Hill Memorial Hall
- Friday 12 October 2018, 14.00-20.00 at Blean Village Hall
- Thursday 18 October 2018, 10.00-16.00 Darwin Conference Suite, Canterbury campus
Our response to the views you express during this stage of the consultation will be published in a Consultation Statement later this year. This will feed into the final stages of development of the Framework Masterplan document, which will be presented to Canterbury City Council at the end of the year.
More information about the Masterplan and copies of previous consultation statements are available on our Masterplan web pages.