The compulsory Expect Respect e-module is now available on moodle in correspondence with the new Respect at Kent policy that will come into effect in the new academic year. The aim of this e-learning module is to introduce new students to the University’s Student Charter and Dignity at Study Policy. This module is available to both staff and students at Kent as we are all responsible for ensuring that the University is a safe place to live and study.
The e-module is hosted on both internal and external Moodle and can be found using the following links:
Internal –
External –
This module provides brief training to raise awareness of issues around sexual respect, rape and consent.
For further information and guidance on these issues student’s key contacts are:
- your Master’s Office
- your School’s Student Support Officer
- Campus Security 01227 823300 or 01227823333 (for emergencies). You can also contact Campus Security via the SafeZone app. This can be downloaded at