Staff from across the University came together recently to present projects they are working on to enhance the student experience at Kent.
The ‘Festival of Projects’, attended by around 140 colleagues, was hosted by Professor April McMahon, Deputy Vice-Chancellor – Education and Sukhi Bath, Assistant Project Officer, Student Services.
The Festival was an opportunity for staff to network and identify opportunities for project collaboration. Among projects presented were:
- the award-winning Student Success project and work on the Virtual Student Adviser, helping to create a tailored online experience for students in EDA
- the OPERA project and Integrated Student Frontline Services project, aiming to make our services and information easily accessible to all students
- Kent Union’s work on improving students’ employability and how it is joining with the University to improve academic communities at Kent
- Careers and Employability Service’s Work-Study Scheme and B-Kew work experience bursary
- Student Support and Wellbeing projects, including increasing support for students on the autistic spectrum, encouraging individuals to look after their own wellbeing, and a number of mental health projects
- Internationalisation projects, including ways of adding more international elements to study programmes and encouraging awareness of global issues
The festival was organised by Chloé Gallien, Master of Keynes; Sukhi Bath, Susan Carte and Natalia Crisanti from Student Services; Jess Sutherland, Office of the Vice-Chancellor; and Ben Watson, OPERA project.
You can view all the projects and project leads in the Festival of Projects booklet (pdf).