Nominations are now open in the Kent Union Leadership Elections. During this period, students will nominate themselves for one of five positions: Union President, Vice-President (Activities), (Education), (Sports) and (Welfare).
In your role, chances are you’ve met some great students. We need your help to find our leadership team for 2018-19. If you know a student who’s been a fantastic Student Rep, has a great relationship with the Kent Sport team, displays key leadership skills or is passionate about the co-curricular experience on campus, then we want to hear about it! You can fill in our Looking for a Leader form, or get in touch with the elections team for assistance.
You can find out more information about the positions below. The work of the Union is guided by these student leaders, who ensure that the voice of the students is at the heart of the University.
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support, and if you are keen to know more about the Leadership Elections process, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by emailing