Vice-Chancellor addressing the PA network

VC addresses launch of PA network at Kent

Vice-Chancellor, Professor Karen Cox, described HE administrators as being uniquely placed to change people’s lives as she launched a PA network at Kent this month.

Addressing more than 50 staff members from across the institution, Professor Cox added: ‘You are in a position to make a difference. Collectively you are doing something good for society. Whatever role we play, we are all contributing to a greater endeavour.’

The Vice-Chancellor encouraged staff to use the network as a place to develop personally and professionally and to think about the future of Kent.

‘Use this network to make the most of what you do,’ she said.

‘If you aren’t happy look at how you can change but if you are happy in what you do look to support others in their work. As a network I invite you to think about the longer-term future of the University and about what you would like to see done differently and what you’d like to see preserved.’

Members of the PA network will meet termly and a host of other events will take place including a Christmas lunch in Rutherford College and a regular walking group. There will be a strong emphasis on mentoring and support.

Lauren Bramley-Green, PA to the Director of Human Resources, is developing a website that will include information on news, blogs and events. It will also offer a ‘clever bod’ section, listing the names and contact information for staff with established specialisms. A structured mentoring scheme is also in the pipeline.

Ruth Johnson, Executive Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor, described the Network as a place for enthusiastic professionals to meet, support one another, share good practice, and foster new ideas.

‘We believe the role of an assistant is essential to the smooth running of the University. We believe that it is important for PAs to have positive peer support and the opportunity to seek advice and guidance from someone generally, or in a particular area,’ she added.

‘In addition to existing PAs we welcome any other members of staff whose duties include a personal assistant type role, or those looking to develop a PA skill set.’

If you’d like to find out more about the network visit: