Kent Gives Back: Projects so far

This autumn, Kent alumni in the United States and the United Kingdom are getting together to make a difference in their local communities, as part of Kent Gives Back. We would like thank all of those Kent alumni participating in this series of Kent Gives Back projects.

The Boston alumni team volunteered at The Community Servings Kitchen as a part of the Kent Gives Back Project on Friday 27 October. The team created meals for individuals unable to shop or cook for themselves due to critical illness.

Six University of Kent alumni in Washington, DC volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House where they cooked a lovely meal for 22 children at the home. Eliot Williamson, chair of the UKA Washington, DC chapter, commented on the event:

‘The event was a huge success. The group enjoyed the activity tremendously. Also, many of the parents thanked us. They were very happy we cooked such a good meal.’

On 11 November, 10 Kent alumni from Chicago volunteered at the Greater Chicago Food Depository. They made individual and family-sized food packages to be distributed across Chicago. One of the volunteers commented: ‘What a rewarding afternoon on this Veterans’ Day/Remembrance Day. We learned that over 16,000 veterans in Cook County live below the poverty line and 18% of households who receive assistance from the Food Depository include someone who served in the U.S. Armed Forces.’

Alumni in Los Angeles are looking forward to volunteering at the LA Regional Food Bank on Saturday 9 December and the next series of Kent Gives Back in the US will take place in May 2018, and involve alumni groups around the world.

Contact us at to offer suggestions or find out more about this fantastic initiative.