SMFA GTA and PhD Moyra Derby published in the Journal of Contemporary Painting

An article by School of Music and Fine Art Graduate Teaching Assistant and PhD student, Moyra Derby, has been published in the Journal of Contemporary Painting. ‘Constraints between picture and painting: Some considerations at a distance’ appears in Volume 2, Issue 2.

A Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Founding Trustee of Crate Studio & Project Space in Margate, Moyra studied at University of Ulster at Belfast, Cheltenham School of Art and the Royal College of Art. Currently undertaking a practice based PhD in Fine Art with the support of a Vice Chancellors Scholarship, her research focuses on processes of attention as a productive context for contemporary painting.

Moyra also has work included in upcoming show Fully Awake from 6 to 21 April at blip blip blip, East Street Arts Patrick Studios, St. Mary’s Lane Leeds LS9 7EH. The Private View is 5 April 18.00-20.00, and the show is curated by Ian Hartshorne & Sean Kaye for Teaching Painting. More info and