Watch DVDs and videos in the Templeman Library

The Templeman Library has a large collection of DVDs and videos, and space to watch them on your own or in a group.

Individual viewing

  • Region 2 DVDs (most of our collection): you can watch these on any student PC in the Library. Find a free PC
  • DVDs for all regions and VHS videos: watch these at the 3 individual workstations on Floor 2 West.

Group viewing

If you want to watch in a group (up to 12 people), you can use the group viewing room on Ground Floor East. It plays DVDs for all regions, VHS videos, CDs and cassettes.

  • You can book it for up to 4 hours.
  • Book at least a day in advance at the Welcome Desk or phone 01227 82 4777 (you need your KentOne card or student number) during Welcome Desk opening hours.
  • If no one has booked the room, you can walk in and use it. It’s locked at 21:00 if not in use.

Read more about our viewing facilities.


You can borrow headphones from the Loan Desk on Ground Floor West.


You can borrow up to 2 DVDs or videos at once.


  • are 24 Hour Loans
  • can’t be renewed
  • you can take them out of the Library
  • check that the disc is in the case before you borrow it

Watch online

BoB is an on-demand TV and radio service, with programs from all the major free channels going back several years. Sign into BoB with your Kent IT account.

You can use it to:

  • search and play shows and save favourites
  • record programmes and create playlists
  • cut out clips and save them for playback.

More about BoB.