Making accessibility work for staff and students

‘A stitch in time saves nine: making accessibility work for staff and students’ is the title of a workshop taking place on Tuesday 22 November 2016, from 16.30-17.45, in the UELT Seminar Room (Canterbury Campus).

The workshop will be presented by the School of Arts team (Dr Helen Brooks, Jacqui Double, Dr Sophie Quirk, Dr Freya Vass-Rhee, Ben Watson, Will Wollen), winners of the Barbara Morris Learning Support Prize 2016, Humanities Faculty, as part of the ‘Developing Teaching for Experienced Staff’ at the University.

Their presentation is based on practice which, despite the large amount of time, thought and care put into it by a wide-ranging team of academic and administrative staff, has at its centre the aim of being unnoticed by students.

The several initiatives put in place to make our modules accessible to students with Visual Impairment and other print disabilities, are often not perceived because we have worked to anticipate issues, as is fitting for the ‘can-do’ spirit of participation in the Arts, and, it could be argued, should be expected from our wide and diverse student cohort.

As a model for other Schools and Departments, our experience should aid proactive adoption of best-practice initiatives and imaginative solutions for accessibility.

To book a place, please email