Vice-Chancellor’s Office – Support for events

The University plan 2015-2020 cites engagement as a key pillar. In order to support Schools and departments in hosting events with external speakers and engaging wider audiences, the Office of the Vice-Chancellor has two initiatives in place.

A discretionary fund is available to anyone hosting a visiting lecturer, to apply you need simply to contact the Office of the Vice-Chancellor with the details of the event. Funding can then be provided to cover hospitality – usually a wine reception. Funding shall not exceed £500 for any one School in a given year.

There is also the possibility of having external speaker events classified as a ‘Distinguished Visitor Lecture’. Such lectures occur when visiting lecturers have name recognition beyond their field and the lecture is not already part of a specific lecture series. In such instances the event will benefit from a package of support in addition to financial contributions, this includes event management and publicity.

For full details about these initiatives please visit the OVC webpages ( and to apply email