Monthly Archives: September 2016

First Study Plus courses for 2016/17 go live

Study Plus courses (part of the Kent Extra range of extracurricular activites) are free and are open to all registered Kent students. Autumn term courses include:

KE004 Dirty history

KE013 Justice and persuasion

KE018 Classics research in action

KE049 Great Expectations? Life and landscape on the north Kent marshlands

KE073 Bleak House? Poor and rich in Victorian England

KE087 Screenwriting for non-writers

KE093 Introduction to the solar system

KE101 Music for creatives 4: Come out – words music and rhythm

KE104 (was 064 ) Student mentoring at university

KE105 Beginners presentations with MS PowerPoint

KE106 Preparing essays with MS Word

KE107 Improving presentations with MS PowerPoint

KE108 Beginnners spreadsheets with MS Excel

KE109 Preparing dissertations or extended assignments with MS Word

Global Learning Online (GLO): Migration

Visit the Study Plus website to view the full range of courses, and  find out more – including how to sign up.

When will I get my timetable?


If you’re fully registered for your modules, here’s when you can expect to receive your timetable for 2016-17…

Stage 0 and 1 students

Stage 0 and 1 timetables will be on the Student Guide by Friday 23 September 2016.

Stage 2 and 3 students

Stage 2 and 3 timetables will be on the Student Guide during the week starting Monday 12 September.

Postgraduate students

Postgraduate timetables will be on the Student Guide by Friday 23 September 2016.

Resits students

If you had to resit an exam over the summer your timetable might be delayed. Your timetable will be on the Student Guide by Friday 23 September 2016 at the latest.

Important – check your timetable in the Student Guide regularly!

Continue to go back and check your timetable regularly for updates including other events.

Got a question?

Read our timetabling FAQs.

Preludes: Adam de Ville exhibition at Colyer-Fergusson Gallery

Colyer-Fergusson Gallery is delighted to be hosting Preludes (where you go, I go), a new exhibition by Kent-based visual artist, actor and illustrator Adam de Ville, which opens on Saturday 24 September.

Adam’s new exhibition, created especially for Colyer-Fergusson, takes inspiration from Gavin Bryars’ piece, Sinking of the Titanic, in which the composer imagines what the music the band was playing as the ship sank might have sounded like as the band played during the sinking, and what happened to the music as it continued to reverberate in the water.

From May to August this year, Adam was the Armchair Artist-in-Residence at the Beaney Museum in Canterbury, for which he also created Something Between Us, an instillation exploring the life of the physical book, funded by Canterbury Arts Council; he has also had exhibitions at the Stark Gallery and the Beaney Front Room. His illustrations accompanied the book Richmond Bigbottom, a fairy-tale for children published in 2015.

You can find out more about Adam and his public theatre/art installation work on his webpages.

Preludes (where you go, I go) will be on display at Colyer-Fergusson Gallery on the University of Kent’s Canterbury campus from 24 September – 4 November; admission is free.

Help us stage Pride and Prejudice on-campus!

The University of Kent Players are bringing Jane Austen’s timeless classic to the Gulbenkian stage this October.

Adapted and directed by Leila Sangtabi (School Arts), expect to see beautiful costumes, mesmerising set and fabulous regency dancing!

The production – the Players’ most ambitious to date – is already in full swing, but we need your support to make it happen.

Any donations, via crowdfunding, will help cover our production costs, as well as enabling us to donate a larger amount of ticket sale profit to our chosen charity – the Kent MS Therapy Centre in Canterbury.

In return, apart from our expressed gratitude, you can grab yourself some great goodies and experiences only available to our Indiegogo backers, including Mr Darcy’s backstage tour, Lizzie’s regency dance class and goody bags.

Your donations will go towards the building of our fantastic set designed by Neil Hornsey (Estates) and the creation of some beautiful costumes.

If you are unable to back us then don’t worry, there are other ways you could help us to get to our £700 target. Please share our campaign far and wide and tell all of your friends about the production! You can also grab some tickets from the Gulbenkian and come down to support us during our three night run.

To keep up to date with the Players then follow us on social media! We’re on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Combating sexual harassment at universities

Recent evidence from crime surveys, student surveys and professionals working with students has shown that there is a significant problem with sexual harassment, sexual coercion, rape and domestic abuse in student populations across England.

The University has introduced a range of initiatives to help combat sexual harassment on campus, including:

  • Guidance for students
    The University has produced guidance for students who have been sexually assaulted or raped. This guidance is available on the Student Services Policies page and Student Support and Wellbeing’s updated ‘Rape and Sexual Assault’ webpages.
  • Guidance for staff
    The University has also produced guidance for staff responding to an incident of student sexual assault or rape. The guidance for staff document can be found on the Student Services Policies page.
  • Intervention Initiative at Kent
    The Intervention Initiative was successfully piloted in March 2016, through Study Plus, and will run again this academic year. This bystander initiative was originally developed by the University of the West of England (UWE) and aims to prevent sexual harassment by empowering students to act as prosocial citizens. Further information about the content of the course can be found on UWE’s website.
  • E-training module for staff – coming soon
    A short e-training module has been created to raise awareness of what you should do if a student discloses to you that they have been sexually assaulted or raped. The e-training module will be available soon.
  • Sexual Assault Responders
    In addition to the above initiatives, approximately 25 members of staff from across the University are being trained as Sexual Assault Responders. This important role will respond to incidents that occur on campus out of office hours at both Canterbury and Medway campuses.

University accommodation achieves high Visit England rating

The annual inspection from Visit England has confirmed the University has achieved a Four to Five star campus rating for its accommodation this year.

The Inspector made special mention of the “consistently high standards and attention to detail in all areas of housekeeping and all management and staff involved should be commended for their hard work and diligence.”

Kevin Stuckey, Head of Residences and Conference Services said: ‘Everyone connected with looking after and promoting our accommodation, reception, catering/conference facilities and the campus estate in general should be very proud of this report – A Four to Five Star Campus rating is really terrific.’

To find out more about our accommodation and conference facilities, visit our Conference webpages.

Mystery Diner results are in

Kent Hospitality would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone that provided feedback via our Mystery Diner scheme in the summer term.

Here is a quick overview of what you told us:

  • 81% of you rated us good or excellent overall
  • 72% rated the quality of food good or excellent
  • 90% of respondents would recommend our outlets to someone else

Feedback included:

‘All staff at Create are friendly, welcoming and always remember what I want before I even get to the front of the queue!’

‘Bea and Mandy are awesome at No1 Bistro. All the staff at No1 Bistro are fantastic, makes a wonderful atmosphere.’

Information about how to provide feedback via our Mystery Diner scheme is available across our outlets.

ESRC appoints Professor Sarah Vickerstaff to Research Committee

The ESRC has announced five new members have been appointed to join their advisory committees for two years from 1 September 2016. Joining the Research Committee is Sarah Vickerstaff, Professor of Work and Employment in SSPSSR.

The ESRC is the UK’s largest organisation for funding research on economic and social issues. The ESRC supports independent, high quality research which has an impact on business, the public sector and civil society. At any one time over 4,000 researchers and postgraduate students in academic institutions and independent research institutes are in receipt of ESRC support.

A non-departmental public body (NDPB) established by Royal Charter in 1965, the ESRC receives most of its funding through the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). Professor Vickerstaff is joined on the Research Committee by Professor Richard Breen, Professor of Sociology at the University of Oxford.

Sent in by: Harriet Armstrong Viner

Specialist communication skills for social workers

In the second edition of the celebrated Specialist Communication Skills for Social Workers, Senior Lecturer in Social Work Johanna Woodcock Ross revisits the complex toolkit of specialist skills required to work effectively with people from diverse backgrounds.

Retaining the clarity and readability that made the first edition so popular, the book examines both the general communication techniques applicable to all social work practice, and the specialist methods to be employed when working with specific service user groups. Incorporating detailed transcripts, the book dissects the professional communication skills that lie at the heart of social work with people with particular needs; including children, parents, young people who engage in offending behaviours, adults with disabilities, refugees and asylum seekers, those with problematic substance use, those experiencing and recovering from mental health difficulties and older people.

Based on the author’s innovative teaching and award-winning research, this new edition of Specialist Communication Skills for Social Workers will support readers in developing their skills within both classroom and placement settings, and is a key resource for professional development. It is essential reading for all social work students and professionals, from training through to professional practice.
Specialist Communication Skills for Social Workers is available from Palgrave.

Johanna is Senior Lecturer and Programme Lead for BA (Hons) Social Work at the University of Kent based at our Medway campus.

Social Work at Kent was ranked 9th in The Complete University Guide 2017. In the National Student Survey 2016, 90% of our Social Work students were satisfied with the overall quality of their course.

Social Work students who graduated from Kent in 2015 were the most successful in the UK at finding professional jobs (DLHE).

Sent in by Harriet Armstrong Viner

Kent hosts annual EPOP conference

The School of Politics and IR is hosting the annual Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (EPOP) conference from 9-11 September 2016. EPOP comprises academics and researchers working in the fields of public opinion and electoral behaviour, and represents the largest sub-group within the Political Studies Association.

This year’s conference will welcome over 150 delegates from the UK, Europe and the US. There will be over 30 academic panels, two pre-conference workshops, a plenary session on the future of opinion polling and an annual dinner at Canterbury Cathedral Lodge addressed by Daniel Hannan MEP.

Further details of the conference can be found on the website.

Sent in by Ben Seyd