Monthly Archives: May 2016

Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise in Canterbury

The Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise (ICE) showcase event brought together SME (small to medium-sized enterprise) owners from across the south east with students and staff.

The event demonstrated the University’s cross-disciplinary approach to supporting and developing projects with external partners and delegates were brought together to hear about cutting-edge innovation which could impact business.

The event was opened by Professor Philippe De Wilde, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Research & Innovation and presentations were given by key business and University representatives on various subjects from cyber-security to evolving technologies.

Delegates had a unique opportunity to see a selection of the University’s latest innovations and technologies including Virtual Reality and Eye Tracking in Psychological Research Oculus Rift Virtual Reality equipment from the School of Psychology at the event’s Innovation Zone. The School of Computing also contributed to the Zone with a Lego City which demonstrated how Internet of Things sensors and actuators can be used to enhance existing public services.

Guests were also asked to view posters on applied research from various schools at the event and vote for their favourite which was announced later in the afternoon.

The annual event was hosted by Kent Innovation & Enterprise and was held on Thursday 28 April at Woolf College.

Europe Day on 9 May

The University will be celebrating Europe Day on Monday 9 May with various exciting activities. These include a European Opportunities Fair, language taster sessions, sporting events (pétanque, volleyball, penalty shoot-out football), live music, Photo Competition, Quiz, European food and more.

All events are free of charge and are taking place in or outside The Gulbenkian from 12.00. So head on down in your lunch hour and join in the celebration!

More details can be found here:

Mental Health Awareness Week

This Mental Health Awareness Week (16-22 May 2016), we want to highlight the services and support available to you as well as a range of de-stressing events.

Stamp out stress with activities at Kent Sport

View all the ‘Stamp Out Stress’ events taking place throughout the third term in the Kent Sport event brochure.

Why not relax with a sports massage? Visit the Kent Sport Physiotherapy Clinic at the Sports Centre to find out what is available during the exam period.

Relax at the Library

There’s also a wellbeing book exhibition in Templeman Library with relaxing giveaways such as tea bags (while stocks last!). Find out more about the activities happening in the Library.

Get advice from Student Support and Wellbeing and other services

  • Big White Wall – if you’re going through a stressful time or struggling with mental health issues, you can get free online support from Big White Wall. Watch the video for more details.
  • Kent Student Social Support Network, is a group of students who meet every fortnight to socialise and support one another through the ups and downs university life can bring. To get involved email
  • Self-help guides and e-books – there are free wellbeing and study e-books available on the University website. Books range from exam and revision tips to managing stress and depression.
  • Wellbeing Zone – sign up for the University’s free wellbeing app.
  • Meditation CD – learn how to relax with the help of a meditation CD created by a fellow student and University staff. Find out more and how to get the CD.
  • Oasis Garden – if you ever feel you need to escape reality for a bit head down to the Oasis Garden. The garden is located on the land next to Parkwood and the Crab and Winkle Way in Canterbury.

EDA Mental Health Awareness Week

The School of Engineering and Digital Arts is also running a series of events for Mental Health Awareness Week.

Questions of Space at Canterbury Cathedral

On 20 and 21 June 2016 Canterbury Cathedral will host a series of public interactive talks, walks, sights and sounds created by Humanities staff at Kent.

This unique partnership between Cathedral staff and University artists, architects and historians will help participants to discover and learn about previously unknown, unexplored or secret spaces and aspects of the Cathedral, be they architectural, private, sacred, public, acoustic, communal or dramatic.

Each of the events will invite audiences from diverse communities to respond to the building afresh, and in some cases for the first time.

The exhibitions will be open all day with Festival events running from 5pm, culminating in a stunning light projection designed to reveal the lost Gothic colours of the Cathedral.

Developed by Kent’s Professor Paul Allain, Associate Dean of Research and Innovation in the Faculty of Humanities in collaboration with the Cathedral, Questions of Space will draw on hundreds of years of history to ask what this space means for us today.

The Festival also aims to engage new audiences with heritage as part of The Cathedral’s developing Canterbury Journey project.

Bookings for the events will open on 1 May and further information on Questions of Space and how to book is now available.

Questions of Space is supported by the University’s Faculty of Humanities Research Fund, its Public Engagement with Research Fund and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC).

It is hoped it will become an annual event in the calendars of the Cathedral, the University and Canterbury itself.

Student wellbeing in the Library

Look out for books and giveaways in the Library to help you look after yourself this term.

It’s important to keep your mind and body healthy when you’re working hard and getting ready for exams. In the Library we’ve got books and e-books to help you with topics including:

  • Revision skills
  • Coping with stress
  • Mindfulness
  • Happiness and staying positive

They’re light reading and you can dip into them – perfect if you need a break from your revision notes.

Find our wellbeing book exhibition in Templeman West and East, with relaxing giveaways such as tea bags – while stocks last!

Archibus Web Central – Defect Reporting Sytem

We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with Web Central, so unfortunately defects cannot be logged by users nor processed by the Estates Helpdesk. We therefore ask that you keep on hold any non urgent reports back until the system is up and running again. We will of course deal with emergencies immediately should they occur, please telephone the Estates Helpdesk on ext 3209 to report these as normal.

We hope to have Web Central running again within the next couple of hours and will inform you if this changes and/or when the system is back in use.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, if you have any queries please contact the Estates Helpdesk on ext 3209.

Have you got a problem with your bedroom?

If you live in accommodation on the Canterbury campus and you have an issue with your bedroom, you can report your accommodation defects online*.

How to report your accommodation defect: 

  1. Visit the online defect reporting system
  2. Log in with your student username and password
  3. Following the online instructions, complete the short report form
  4. Click ‘save’ and you will receive an email confirmation with a report number
  5. Your fault will be dealt within the next five working days

For further information on level of response times, maintenance problems in your campus accommodation and other related issues, please visit the Accommodation Office website.

Please note that in the case of an emergency during working hours (08.00 – 16.30), please contact the Estates Helpdesk on ext 3209. For all other times, contact Campus Security on ext 3300. Emergencies include gas leak, flood and electrical shutdown of a building.

*Please note, this system doesn’t apply to Woolf College – where residents should inform Woolf College reception of any accommodation faults.

Celebrate Europe Day on 9 May

Monday 9 May, Gulbenkian, Canterbury Campus

Europe Day (9 May) is the annual celebration of peace and unity in Europe. The date marks the anniversary of the historical Schuman declaration, which is now celebrated as a key moment in the creation of the EU.

As the UK’s European university, Kent is committed to the opportunities provided by European engagement. The University supports the ‘Universities for Europe’campaign and is speaking out for continued engagement with Europe in the run up to the Referendum on 23 June 2016. More information can be found on our ‘Kent in Europe’ site.

To mark Europe Day and to celebrate the University’s role within Europe,International Partnerships will be organising various exciting activities on 9 May.

Everyone is welcome so please do come along and celebrate!

View the programme of events.