Wetlands 2016

Nadia Perrotta, MA Fine Art, School of Music & Fine Art, who was awarded a grant of £5,000 from the University of Kent Student Projects Grant Scheme for her project Wetlands Hub, has organised film screenings, art workshop and installations inspired and shaped by the Medway expanse, with the first event on Tues 15 March.

Says Nadia, “Wetlands is an art project initiated in 2015, inspired by the powerful metaphor of a possible memory retained and preserved by the waters. The aim of the project is for students and alumni of the University of Kent to involve and interact with local communities living in proximity of waters, recreating a dialogue between them, their maritime history and the wetland landscape.

For Wetlands 2016, we are running film workshops with young people, in collaboration with Youth Centres of Hoo St Werburgh, Chattenden and Grain. Students from School of Music and Fine Art will create video and sound works from the documentation collected.”

For more info see http://us10.campaign-archive2.com/?u=70de89517d6542f23b1eeed64&id=b099cbc8d8&e=