Open Lecture – Work based learning : paradigm, practice and paradox

The Centre for Professional Practice will be hosting an Open Lecture by Dr Mike Nicholls on the topic of Work based learning : paradigm, practice and paradox.

“Work based learning” has been described as “a mode of learning and field of study allied to the Social Sciences” (Portwood, 2000), while Boud and Solomon (2001) maintain that “work is the curriculum”, and that it is the workplace and not an academic discipline which frames work based learning.

The presentation will chart the professional journey of a traditionally trained natural scientist seeking to harmonise these polarised views of work based learning in generic Professional Studies university programmes.

Please email to reserve a seat by Friday 22nd May 2015.
Date: Friday 29th May 2015
Time: Refreshments available from 15.00
Time: Lecture starts at 15.30 until approx. 17.00
Location: Seminar Room 1, Compass Centre South, Medway Campus