On Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th April 2015 students from Kent and London attended the School of Physical Sciences Forensic Science Weekend held at the University of Kent. The event is designed to introduce students to the various aspects of Forensic Science via engaging lab based activities and lectures. On Saturday the students were introduced to crime scene analysis and evidence recovery, ballistics using a high powered air rifle and mini wind tunnel, and drug analysis. With help from colleagues in the School of Biosciences and Professor Bob Green the students had a DNA profiling lecture and workshop and Dr Emily Blake from the School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research introduced Forensic Psychology. On Sunday students were set several challenges, one of which saw them learn the basics of facial recognition software EFIT-V, a facial composite system developed by academics within SPS which is currently used by the majority of UK police constabularies and in numerous other countries. Other challenges included recovering evidence from a crime scene and cross examining a forensics expert in a mock court. The overall winning team was a group of young women from Our Lady’s Convent High School in Hackney.