Kent’s SpaceSoc is organising events associated with the eclipse on Friday March 20.
Between 8:15 and 10:45am, there will be viewing apparatus (eclipse viewers), information and guided commentary provided by amateur and professional astronomers. The event will take place at the site of the University Observatories located just behind Parkwood at Hothe Court (park at Woodys, follow signs or guides).
In the evening, Stargazing Live will take place at the same site from 6:30pm. Assuming clear skies, the main objects in the sky including Venus, Jupiter, Orion, Cassiopae and Polaris will be pointed out, and the moons of Jupiter and the galaxy Andromeda seen through the SpaceSoc telescope. The site of the University¹s exciting new Beacon Observatory can also be inspected.
All are welcome to both events, no charge. Note that the maximum eclipse of 86% will occur in Canterbury at 9:31am. Fingers crossed for clear skies!
Full details are available at:
LOCATION: The Observatories are opposite Hothe Court:
Park Wood
University of Kent
(go to end of Parkwood and turn left down the Crab & Winckle).