The Careers Café is a networking event with a difference!
Kent alumni, employers and staff members host tables in the café, at which students discuss topics to help them develop the ability to promote themselves to prospective employers, learn how to network and self-identify their skill set.
Register for the Careers Cafe at Medway on Monday 23 March at 16.00-17.30 in the Gillingham Building (G3-05).
Register for the Careers Cafe at Canterbury on Monday 30 March 17.30-19.30 in Woolf Foyer.
How does it work?
Students choose a table hosted by a mentor, where they will be invited to discuss a topic as well as summarise their discussion from the previous table, all within the space of five minutes. This will help the students to focus on concisely selling themselves and their skill as well as learning presentation skills. The questions students will be asked to focus on are:
- What’s My Skill / Talent?
- What’s My Goal?
- What Are My Next Steps?
Following the Café will be a secondary session, known as ‘Live LinkedIn’ where students can ask questions about their next steps (for example, ‘I realise I need leadership skills…’) and other students and mentors can help them identify what they can do to meet that need (eg ‘run for a society committee to develop those skills’).