As the cold weather continues, here’s a timely reminder of the University’s snow policy for both the Canterbury and Medway campuses.
It is the aim of the University to provide a complete and uninterrupted educational service to all of its students throughout the year. In addition, the University operates a residential accommodation business, which must be maintained. To this end, the University will endeavour to provide these services in all weather conditions, including periods when there may be extreme ice and snow either at the Canterbury campus, the Medway campus, or both. Safety of staff and students must be the priority of all services.
In the event of snow and or extreme freezing conditions:
- The University will not normally close
- All staff and students should attempt to get to campus, if it is possible and safe to do so
- Staff and students who are unable to travel to campus must communicate the reasons for this to their line manager or School
- Your School will inform you if your lecture or seminar has been cancelled
Further details are available on the Estates webpages.
If you have any queries relating to this policy, please discuss them with your line manager or School.
In the event of adverse weather, staff and students should consult the following for local/regional travel updates: