Your exams probably feel a long time away however it’s best to be prepared and start early. Here are the Student Learning Advisory Service’s (SLAS) top revision tips:
- Do a little revision each week and step up the amount each week. This will build up your revision-strength gradually for maximum examination athleticism! Find out more about revision and exams.
- Get organised and make a revision timetable. Don’t forget to leave free time for breaks and if you have to attend to an emergency.
- Learn to ‘over-learn’. Over-learning simply means rewriting notes, using index cards and trying varied and interesting ways of going over material. Don’t write out essays and learn them off by heart. It is better to spend time reflecting on a range of answers so that you over-learn the material.
- Break the work into small pieces and carry with you. Have an exam question in your head each day and scribble down ideas at odd moments.
- Use past exam papers. Check which questions come up regularly and brainstorm answers. It’s also a good idea to familiarise yourself with exam paper instructions. These can be difficult to understand if you read them for the first time under the stress of exam conditions.
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Pick up additional tips and prepare for exams at SLAS workshops and have a look at our online revision and exams leaflets.