Postgraduate students from the School of Physical Sciences will host, for the first time, the 12th UK Planetary Forum Early Career Scientists’ Meeting on 19 and 20 February 2015.
The meeting will take place in the Ingram Building, School of Physical Sciences. It will include keynote talks from invited speakers presenting the latest advances in Planetary Sciences. Short talks given by PhD students presenting their current and future work and a poster session will span both days.
Additional activities, including a welcome dinner, prizes for the best poster presentation and guided tours in the Impact Lab will also take place. We wish to live video stream the proceedings across the SEPnet region which will be a valuable Kent contribution to the first year of GRADnet.
These meetings are included in the activities of the UKPF and are organised by Postgraduate Students and Post doctoral researchers for young scientists.
The aim is to gather the majority of PhD students who work in the broad field of Planetary Sciences. During this meeting young scientists who are at the beginning of their career will present their work and meet future collaborators.
No registration fee is required. Accommodation will be provided to all the participants.
Registration and abstract submission deadline: 19 January 2015.
For more information and registration please visit UKPF’s website.