The School of Computing will be hosting computer scientists from five continents in two international symposia. Dr Olaf Chitil and Dr Andy King from the School are co-chairs for these prestigious events in the logic and functional programming communities.
The 16th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP 2014) will take place from 8-10 September 2014 on the Canterbury campus.
PPDP brings together researchers from the declarative programming communities, including those working in the logic, constraint and functional programming paradigms, aiming to cross-fertilise one paradigm with ideas from another.
The 24th International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2014) will be held from 9-11 September, and many delegates will be attending both events.
LOPSTR promotes international research and collaboration on logic-based program development, with particular focus on partial deduction, program synthesis and partial evaluation.