Canterbury car park and road disruptions

6-22 August – Marley Court car park closure (within Park Wood)

To assist with Kent Hospitality Canterbury Retreat, the Marley Court car park will be closed from 6-22 August inclusive.

7 August- 9 September – Keynes car park accessible bays

2 accessible bays in Keynes car park (near enclosed cycle shelter) will be unavailable due to building works, for approximately 4 weeks as requested by Estates. Please contact the Transport Team if you are concerned about the temporary closure of these accessible bays so we can assist you. The other 4 accessible bays in Keynes car park will still be available.

18 August – Tyler Court car park

Approximately 15 bays will be closed in the morning so Grounds Maintenance, Estates, can carry out hedge cutting. The bays should be reopened by 12.30.

17-25 August- Giles Lane road closure (overnight) – Kent Highways

Large sections of Giles Lane will be closed overnight (19.00-05.00) for 5 consecutive week nights for resurfacing and relining works by Kent Highways. This work is being carried out overnight to reduce disruption but may be noisy.

A diversion will be in place. We have been informed that access to a point within the closure will be available if legitimately needed. Access required to get out of the car parks after 19.00 via Giles Lane will also be available. Emergency access will be maintained throughout.

Present- 15 September- Giles lane car park (section on right hand side as you drive in located behind Woolf)

The section of Giles Lane blue zone car park located behind Woolf College remains closed for the coach and minibus park to assist Kent Hospitality, Enrolment Management Services and Partnership Development Office with conference guests and school visits. This is approximately 40 bays.

Present – May 2018 – Woodys car park

Approximately 15 parking bays outside Woodys (Park Wood Courts car park) will be closed until building works on the Woodys area is complete. The works are due for completion in May 2018. This project will mean a loss of car parking bays within this area. However, the majority of bays will be reinstated to the rear of Park Wood Admin and a couple will be reinstated within other Park Wood car parks. Improvements to pedestrian and cycle ways will be incorporated as part of this project.

Transport Team

01227 82 3609 @unikent_travel

Security & Transport Centre, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NQ