Interpersonal Skills
Teamwork and taking direction
Being able to effectively collaborate with others to achieve common goals and to review the effectiveness of the group. Knowing that people can take different roles within a team (e.g. leader, facilitator, expert, explorer, work-horse) and being able to take on different roles, including taking direction and allowing others to lead.
Negotiation and persuasion
Being able to manage conflict or differences effectively and professionally, while articulating your own point of view. This includes maintaining professional relationships, understanding the perspectives of others and seeking middle ground and shared goals or values. You may engage in conflict mapping or issue exploration, or be responsible for securing outcomes in negotiations or discussions.
Being able to provide direction to others on a project or within a role, often taking ultimate responsibility for the outcome. Also understanding that leadership can take different types and forms, and recognising that it should be exercised responsibly.
Integrity and ethical conduct
Being able to act truthfully and transparently in the workplace, and taking into account any rules on conduct or confidentiality within your organisation or industry. Being able to challenge appropriately poor practice or other issues, and maintaining your own moral code and ethics regardless of the behaviour of others.
Empathy and self-reflection
Being able to put yourself in the place of others, and to try to understand their experiences or points of view. Also, being able to explore your own personal strengths and weaknesses, set targets for your own development and review completed work in order to further improve.
Networking skills
Being able to build and nurture strong professional relationships, both within your organisation and outside of it. Being able to seek out opportunities to broaden your professional network and to introduce colleagues to one another where it might be beneficial. This also includes appropriate use of networking tools such as LinkedIn.
Inclusivity and cultural understanding
Being accepting of difference and aware of issues of diversity and discrimination. Understanding that people may have different experiences to you depending on where they may come from, their gender, sexuality, religion and other factors, and ensuring that all are treated equally and fairly.