The following online tools are available to students as part of the university’s central Careers & Employability Service. Students must use their Kent email address when logging in.


  • Use Kent email address to access the tool
  • You will get a new link each time you log in with your Kent email; links are live for 30 minutes
  • Score your CV and get advice on how to improve it
  • You must upload your CV in a pdf format, you can easily convert a Word to pdf and then edit the word document afterwards based on feedback
  • You can also measure how well your CV scores against a target job description
  • A score of 70+ is good but please do not just look at the score alone; look at all the feedback using the links on the left hand side
  • You can upload as many CVs as you like and use different versions for different roles

Student Circus

  • Jobs Platform for International students
  • Jobs & placements for students on graduate route visa
  • Student Circus only advertises vacancies from companies that have recruited international students in the past
  • The tool allows you to search by job sectors – e.g. Banking & Finance


  • Need to use Kent email address for free access
  • Specific, local information on job hunting and behaviours in various countries
  • Provides good support for international students returning to home countries who may not have any job/networking contacts there
  • Internship advice & remote internships
  • H1B Plus Visa info
  • Focus on country / city / US cities

 Graduates First

  • Use Kent email address for free access
  • Ability test practice – numerical, verbal, logical, abstract, spatial
  • Insight help videos
  • Video interview practice
  • Resources relevant to specific employers (especially for management consulting and banking & finance)
  • You can do a warmup exercise to get a flavour of the different types of tests
  • Ability tests – analysis of how you did and what you did right/wrong
  • There are information videos to answer specific question types


How to get a graduate job