Author Archives: Natalia Crisanti

foreground lens focusing on out of focus person in the background standing in front of a doorway in a brick wall

Student photoshoot – represent Kent and earn on campus

Share your story and your uni experience, and be part of representing Kent for the class of ’24 and the future. 

Looking for a paid work opportunity on campus? We’re doing student photoshoots at the start of November, and we’d like to feature a group of students that truly represents our Kent Community. The images will be used on the website, printed material, emails, banners etc to promote Kent at a top brand level.

What would you need to do?

You’ll be needed for an hourly paid photoshoot on some of Thursday 2nd November and Friday 3rd November at the Canterbury Campus. This would be one day in a studio in Jennison, and one day in different locations around campus – we’d set up exact call up times according to your availability, so it’s okay if you’re not available for the entire day.

What do you get in return?

You’ll be paid £10.42 per hour, and contribute to portraying the diversity of the student body to inspire future students to join our community.


There are limited places, so to secure a spot email Hannah at and send a picture of yourself with the subject line: November Photoshoot, and the times you’d be available.
ADHD Awareness Month

ADHD Awareness Month: October 2023

What is ADHD?

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects both children and adults. According to figures from ADHD UK, it is estimated that roughly 5% of the world’s population have ADHD. This condition is often noticed in early childhood, but in some cases, it may not be diagnosed until adulthood.

October is recognised globally as ADHD Awareness Month. This is a time for individuals, health professionals, and organizations to come together to raise awareness about ADHD, dispel myths, and share resources for those living with this condition.

ADHD Symptoms in Adults

In adults, ADHD can lead to a variety of difficulties. These include problems with focusing and completing tasks, organization and time management, coping with stress, and feelings of restlessness or impulsivity. Each individual’s experience with ADHD is unique, and the severity and combination of symptoms can vary widely.

Getting Diagnosed with ADHD

If you think you may have ADHD, it’s important to seek professional help. A good first step is to register with Student Support and Wellbeing, where you can make an appointment with an SpLD (Specific Learning Differences) Adviser and discuss your symptoms. Based on your discussion, your Adviser may encourage you to contact your GP or may refer you for a diagnostic assessment.

Video: Anna’s experience of ADHD

Music and Audio Tech lecturer Anna Neale Widdison talks about being diagnosed with ADHD later in life, and describes some of the challenges and opportunities that she has experienced in her working and family life.

Positives of ADHD

Although ADHD can present a variety of challenges for individuals who have it, it’s important to note that ADHD also has some potential positive aspects – unique strengths and abilities such as these:

  1. Creativity: Some individuals with ADHD are known for their creativity and innovative thinking. They often have a unique perspective on problems and can generate creative solutions.
  2. Hyperfocus: While ADHD is characterized by difficulties in sustaining attention, some individuals with ADHD can experience “hyperfocus” on tasks or activities that deeply interest them. During these periods, they can be highly productive and focused.
  3. Energy and Enthusiasm: People with ADHD can bring a lot of energy and enthusiasm to projects and activities they are passionate about. Their enthusiasm can be infectious and motivate others.
  4. Out-of-the-Box Thinking: ADHD individuals often think outside the box and can make connections between seemingly unrelated ideas, which can be valuable in problem-solving and innovation.
  5. Resilience: Many people with ADHD develop resilience as they face and overcome the challenges associated with the disorder. This resilience can serve them well in various aspects of life.
  6. High Energy Levels: Individuals with ADHD often have high levels of physical and mental energy, which can be an asset in activities that require endurance or rapid decision-making.
  7. Spontaneity: ADHD individuals can be spontaneous and adventurous, which can lead to exciting experiences and a willingness to take risks.
  8. Empathy: Some people with ADHD are highly empathetic and sensitive to the emotions of others, which can make them excellent listeners and supportive friends.
  9. Multitasking: While ADHD can make it difficult to focus on one task at a time, some individuals with ADHD excel at multitasking and managing multiple responsibilities simultaneously.

It’s important to recognize that not everyone with ADHD will possess these positive attributes, and the impact of ADHD can vary widely among individuals. Additionally, these strengths can come with their own set of challenges, and individuals with ADHD may need support and strategies to harness these positive aspects effectively while managing the difficulties associated with the disorder.

More Information and Support for ADHD at Kent

Whether or not you have a diagnosis, our expert staff at Student Support and Wellbeing can provide support for students with specific learning differences such as ADHD. The types of support you can access include:

  • Support from your SpLD Adviser throughout your course through online or in-person meetings.
  • An Inclusive Learning Plan (ILP) to set out reasonable adjustments to courses and assessments.
  • Access to assistive software on and off campus.
  • Study skills support, and specialist mentoring if you’ve got ADHD.
  • Help applying for Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA).

If you think you might be affected, get in touch so we can help you thrive in your studies!

two women looking angry with each other, young man standing between them looking like he's trying to calm them and intervene in the argument

How to be an Active Bystander

Becoming an active bystander is a powerful way to contribute to the creation of safer and more inclusive spaces within the university community, you can do this through following the 5Ds of bystander intervention.


Distraction can be a powerful tool to defuse a tense situation or redirect its focus. By diverting attention away from the harasser and towards the victim, you can help create a safer space for the individual experiencing harassment.

For example:

  • Pretend you know the person being harassed and act excited to have “randomly” run into them.
  • Pretend to be lost and ask the person being harassed to give you directions.
  • Tell them they have an important call.
  • Tell them that you need to speak with them urgently.

“Accidentally” spill or drop something or cause a commotion to shift the attention away from the harassment.


Delegation involves seeking assistance from a third party to intervene in a harassment situation. This individual can be someone in a position of authority or anyone else who can provide help.

Here are some steps to effectively delegate:

  • Identify someone in a position of authority, and ask them to intervene.
  • Involve a friend who can offer support or use distraction techniques to communicate with the person being harassed while you seek help.

When delegating someone to help you, be clear in conveying what you are witnessing and how you would like them to assist.

In situations that require immediate attention, consider calling emergency services (e.g., 999). However, where possible consult with the person being targeted to ensure their comfort and safety before involving the police.

Delayed Action:

Sometimes, it may not be possible to intervene immediately due to various factors, such as personal safety concerns or the intensity of the situation. However, you can still make a difference by checking in on the person who has experienced harassment.

Here are some examples of how you can Delay:

  • After the situation has passed, approach the person who was targeted and ask if they are okay. Let them know that you witnessed what happened and acknowledge that it was not acceptable.
  • Inquire if there is any way you can offer support to them.
  • Offer to accompany them to their intended destination or sit with them for a while, providing a sense of security.
  • Inform them about available resources, such as reporting platforms like This platform allows them to document their experience and seek additional assistance if needed from the university.


Documentation involves either recording or taking notes on an instance of harassment. This can provide crucial evidence and support for the person who has been targeted. However, it is crucial to approach this step with care and respect for everyone involved.

Follow these guidelines when documenting an incident:

  • Assess the situation to determine if someone else is already providing assistance to the person being harassed. If not, consider using one of the previous steps first.
  • If it is safe to do so, you may choose to record the incident. However, always prioritise your safety and the safety of those involved.
  • Always obtain consent from the person who experienced harassment before sharing or posting any recordings. Respect their wishes and privacy.

Direct Action:

Direct action involves directly confronting the harasser and addressing the negative behaviour. While this approach requires careful consideration of your own safety and the situation, it can be impactful in challenging the harasser’s actions.

Firstly, before you decide to response, it is crucial to assess the situation by considering the following factors:

  • Ensure your own physical safety.
  • Assess whether the person being harassed is in a physically safe position.
  • Evaluate the likelihood of the situation escalating further.
  • Observe any indications or cues that suggest whether the person being harassed desires someone to speak up.

If you can ensure all of these factors, you might choose a direct response.

Here are the recommended steps for direct intervention:

One important aspect of direct intervention is to keep it brief and concise. It’s essential to resist the temptation to engage in dialogue, debate, or arguments, as these can potentially escalate the situation. If the person who is harassing responds to your direct intervention, shift your focus towards providing support to the person who has been harmed, rather than engaging further with the individual causing harm.


Embracing the role of an active bystander entails a dedication to fostering safer spaces and offering support to individuals who encounter harassment. By understanding and implementing these strategies, you can play an essential role in promoting positive change and ensuring the well-being of those around you.

If you want to report an incident of sexual misconduct, discrimination, hate incidents, harassment, physical or verbal harm and/or abuse, bullying, stalking, domestic abuse, or spiking, you can do so anonymously or you can provide your name to access support on the Report + Support website.

Text adapted from Bystander Intervention Training (

breaking news backdrop with worried looking young woman looking at phone in foreground

Coping with distressing events

You may be feeling disturbed by things in the news, or worried about the safety of loved ones. In difficult and distressing times, it’s important for us to support one another. Find out how to look after your wellbeing and where to go for support if you need it.

Understanding our feelings

It’s normal to have different reactions to a traumatic event. Some of us may have intense feelings, especially if we were close to the incident or have connections. It’s essential to acknowledge our emotions, and also to remember that recovery will come in time. But of course it’s okay to take time and seek support if needed.

We also appreciate the strength of feeling generated in both staff and students across the university by recent events. We strive to be an organisation where all individuals feel welcome and supported and take a zero-tolerance approach to any form of discrimination on campus. If you experience any discrimination, please use our Report + Support tool so that we can quickly connect you with appropriate support within the University.

Coping strategies – taking care of ourselves

Let’s check in with ourselves and others. How are you feeling right now? Wellbeing and Coping is a helpful resource for coping techniques. If you’re overwhelmed, try some quick 30-second strategies mentioned there.

Self-care is essential during challenging times. Prioritise spending time with friends and loved ones who bring you comfort. Stick to your routines, get enough sleep, eat healthily, and stay hydrated. Engage in physical activities and try to get outside, preferably in nature or a nearby park. Be mindful of your social media usage and avoid getting caught up in negative news. By taking care of ourselves, we can better support each other.

Communicating and Reaching Out

If you’re struggling, it’s okay if you don’t feel like talking about things right away. However, if you need someone to listen, know that there are people who care and are here for you. Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or the Student Welfare team at Kent, who will advise you on how we can support you at this difficult time.

24/7 support services

For support at any time of day or night, check out the Emergency Support page with details on online and telephone support available for Kent students, including our support partners:

  • Spectrum Life can offer you online, text and telephone support from qualified counsellors and mental health professionals.

You can also find out about local and remote organisations using the self-help resource list from Student Support and Wellbeing.

Although you may wish to stay informed, it is important to be aware of your limits.

Here are some things you can do to retain some balance:

  • Connect with friends and family members.
  • Go for a walk in the fresh air.
  • Listen to a podcast.
  • Listen to some soothing or inspiring music.
  • Write out your thoughts and feelings in a journal.
  • Go to the gym.
  • Grab a coffee with a friend.
  • Connecting with nature can be very soothing, there are some lovely walks on campus or along the river Stour.
  • Have you caught the bus to Whitstable yet, why not have a walk along the beach?
  • Try to have a regular sleep pattern.
  • Try to eat healthily which will help when you are feeling emotionally depleted.
  • Listen to some guided meditations as these can really help as a distraction from racing thoughts.

Highlighting acts of support

In times like these, it’s important to focus on the positive aspects of how our community comes together. Let’s recognise the people who have helped and supported others.

graphics showing laptop, desktop and mobile; notebook, clock, brain in lightbulb icon

Enhance Your Academic Skills with Upcoming Workshops

Are you looking to improve your academic skills and make your studying life easier and more productive? Maybe you’re curious about using Assistive Technology apps to study smarter but not sure which to try or how to go about it…

Student Support and Wellbeing, in partnership with SLAS (Student Learning Advisory Service) are offering a series of informative and engaging workshops to help you achieve just that. From time management and wellbeing to creative note-taking and mind mapping for assignments, these workshops are designed to empower you with the tools and techniques you need to succeed. Mark your calendars for these upcoming events to upskill you this term, all taking place between 2-3pm on the Canterbury campus:

1. Time Management and Wellbeing on 18 Oct

2-3pm in Keynes Seminar Room 6

Are you struggling to balance your academic commitments and personal life? Join us on October 18th for a workshop on Time Management and Wellbeing. In this session, you’ll learn effective strategies to manage your time efficiently while maintaining your overall well-being. Don’t miss this opportunity to boost your productivity and reduce stress.

2. Creative Note-taking on 8 Nov

2-3pm in Keynes Seminar Room 6

Taking notes is a crucial part of the learning process, but traditional note-taking methods may not work for everyone. On November 1st, attend our Creative Note-taking workshop to discover innovative techniques and assistive software skills that will make your note-taking more engaging and effective. This workshop will help you capture information in a way that suits your learning style.

3. Mind Maps for assignments on 29 Nov

Are you tired of writing lengthy outlines for your assignments? Join us on November 29th for the Mind Maps for Assignments workshop. Learn how to create visually appealing and organized mind maps that can serve as a powerful tool for brainstorming, organizing ideas, and improving your assignment planning process. This workshop will help you take your assignments to the next level.

To register for these workshops and secure your free place, click on the provided link above, and you’ll be emailed a confirmation of your place and the workshop location. If you have any access needs, or questions about the workshops, get in touch with us at

Look out for more on accessible information and assistive technology on Instagram @UniKentSSW, #InclusiveKent.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your academic skills and succeed in your studies. We look forward to seeing you there!

blue background and 4 head and shoulder shots of two male students and two female students, with the caption: JOIN STAR Student Action for Refugees

Meet the Student Action for Refugees (STAR) society at Kent – get involved this year to make a difference

The Student Action for Refugees (STAR) society at Kent is a remarkable student-led organisation that advocates for refugee rights and fostering a welcoming environment for refugees and asylum seekers on campus. With a rich history that traces back to its inception at the University of Nottingham almost thirty years ago, STAR has evolved into a national network of student groups across the UK comprising of around 34,000 students. The committee members of UKC STAR are passionate individuals who actively campaign, fundraise, and volunteer to challenge hostile government policies and support those in need. Come along to find out more and grab a sweet treat at the Canterbury campus us their our bake sale on Tuesday 10th October at 1pm on the Plaza outside the coop. Let’s meet the inspiring voices behind this dedicated team…

Ewen Rivallain – President:

“I am the newly elected President of UKC Student Action for Refugees, dedicated to fostering a welcoming environment for refugees and asylum seekers on campus.”

Ewen, the newly elected President of UKC Student Action for Refugees, is committed to creating a welcoming environment for refugees and asylum seekers on campus. With a focus on member engagement and community projects, Ewen and UKC STAR are determined to make a difference in the lives of those in need.

Cassandra Ross – Vice President:

“I wish to aid refugees in any way possible and to encourage people to join us in doing so.”

Cassandra, a third-year student in Politics and International Relations, is the Vice President of UKC STAR. Her genuine interest in understanding the struggles faced by the refugee community motivated her to join the committee. Cassandra’s primary goal is to raise awareness about refugee issues on campus and help create a more welcoming environment for refugees in the UK.

Marie Legraverend – Secretary:

“We have a lot of ideas to get you involved in creating a welcoming environment for refugees in Canterbury and in the UK in general.”

As the upcoming Kent STAR Secretary, Marie, a 3rd-year Politics and International Relations student, is deeply committed to resolving the human rights issues surrounding refugees. Having previously served as the Treasurer, Marie is passionate about raising awareness, volunteering, campaigning, and fundraising. She invites everyone to join in their efforts to make a difference.

Leah Tesfu – Marketing and Collaboration Coordinator:

“I joined STAR as I wanted to be a part of a society that brings about positive change.”

Leah, a final year Biomedical Science student, serves as the Marketing and Collaboration Coordinator for Kent STAR. Drawn to STAR’s mission of building a more understanding and just society for refugees, Leah is eager to contribute to the society’s initiatives and projects. The clothes donation point project is particularly close to her heart, as it provides support to refugees while reducing waste on campus.

Romain Picon – Events Officer:

“If you want to start making a difference today, you can donate your old clothes at the various clothes donation points on campus.”

Romain, a third-year student in Politics and International Relations from Bordeaux, France, discovered STAR last year as a volunteer. Inspired by attending talks on refugees and participating in protests against proposed government legislation, Romain is determined to continue taking action. He encourages others to join in the efforts to support refugee rights and help those in indefinite immigration detention.

Want to get involved?

During this academic year, our priority is to involve our members as much as possible! We are in the process of setting up volunteer opportunities for students wishing to get involved in supporting refugees and asylum seekers in the local area, and we have several conferences planned to discuss important issues surrounding refugees and asylum seekers. Come and see us at our bake sale on Tuesday 10th October at 1pm on the Plaza outside the coop if you would like to know more, or get your free membership on Kent Union to be informed about all of our upcoming events!

If you’d like to find out more about STAR at Kent or join the society, have a look at their Kent Union page, or if you use Instagram, give STAR Kent a follow to see what’s happening next.

Students with therapy dog

World Mental Health Day on 10th October: Ways to boost your wellbeing

At Kent we celebrate the international World Mental Health Day to help open up conversations about mental health and highlight ways we can improve our wellbeing.

What’s on for you on campus?


  • Head to the Oasis Lounge (Rochester building) between 10:00-13:00 for the Services for Students Showcase for free refreshments and to meet with representatives from Student Support and Wellbeing as well many other support teams and services.
  • Join the Global Hangout to meet new friends and take part in creative activities in Rochester Building, 10:00-13:00.
  • A therapy dog will also be in the Hub from 12:00 to 14:00 for cuddles! 


Join us in Nexus (Templeman Library) any time between 12:00 and 15:00 to: 

What Student Support can you expect at Kent?

Whether you’ve recently joined the university or have been a student for some time, you can reach out to a team of experts in Student Support and Wellbeing (SSW) for support around mental health issues, specific learning differences, neurodivergence, disability and chronic health conditions. We also have a team of qualified counsellors who provide free confidential sessions both face to face and online. Find out what happens when you first seek support from SSW.

Tips to stay well at uni

Check out this 9 minute video of advice from our Mental Health staff to manage your mental health at uni.

Get support 24/7

Kent students have access to 24/7 online, phone and text services for mental health and wellbeing support:

  • Spectrum Life offers 24/7 emergency expert mental health support via phone, text, or WhatsApp: phone 0800 0318227 and press option 1, Text/WhatApp ‘Hi’ to +44 (0)7418 360780.
  •  Togetherall offers peer-to-peer anonymous online discussion which is moderated by expert clinicians, as well as free courses and self-assessments that you can do whenever you choose.

Stay connected

Follow @UniKentSSW on Instagram for wellbeing advice, updates and information, and check out our events calendar for workshops and support groups throughout the year.

cartoon traffic lights: green = go for it; yellow = check; red = no is no

Consent. Get It. Full Stop – Our sex-positive campaign at Kent

Consent. Get It. Full Stop. is our sex-positive campaign to cultivate and strengthen a culture of consent in our community of staff and students. Everyone should be able to explore their sexuality with confidence, and we know that consent is key and necessary for all sexual activity. Getting consent might at first seem tricky so, we have created a consent webpage where you can learn about what consent is and read some tips on how to ensure you have it, and how you can give it clearly to your partner(s). 

You can also watch this 3 minute YouTube video to learn more about #ConsentGetIt. 

What if I’ve had an experience where consent wasn’t given? 

If you have experienced sexual assault or harassment, expert support is available here at Kent. We have separate links available for students and staff: 

Additionally you can use our online reporting tool, Report + Support, to report an incident to the University. Further guidance on what to expect when reporting, including a 3 minute video, is available on our Report + Support webpage.

Follow #ConsentGetIt on Instagram to stay up-to-date on progress and initiatives!


Group of students laughing in class

6 weeks to wellbeing: group to support new students in their university journey

Are you struggling with the transition into University and needing some help with healthy habits and routines? Feeling overwhelmed with the new changes and dealing with independence? Sign up to our 6-week wellbeing programme delivered by expert mental health advisers in Student Support and Wellbeing.

What is it?

This six week course is designed to support students with a healthy transition into university life, where they can meet friends, discuss issues in confidence, and learn strategies and share ideas to stay well and connected during their university journey.

Each of the weeks has a specific theme, and the small group (maximum of 12 student participants) will meet for an hour and be facilitated by two friendly and experienced mental health advisers, Alex, and Tara. There will be an opportunity for discussion and all are invited to participate as far as they feel comfortable doing so. You don’t need to bring anything with you, but are asked to commit to all 6 sessions if possible.

Sessions are on the Canterbury campus (location tbc) on Wednesdays from 2pm to 3.30pm.

Want to sign up?

Places are limited, so it it sounds like you could benefit from this, or have questions about the course, email Alex at with a subject line of ‘6 weeks to wellbeing’.

Weekly themes:

  • Overview & Introduction – Week 1 (Wednesday 18th October)

Explanation of the course including an ice breaker. Beginning discussions on self-care & what this looks like for you. Includes a breathing mindfulness exercise.

  • Exploring Self-care – Week 2 (Wednesday 25th October)

How can you develop healthy routines and structure whilst at University.Includes a drawing mindfulness exercise.

  • Boundaries & Communication – Week 3 ( Wednesday 1st November)

What do we mean by healthy boundaries & how do we create healthy boundaries.Includes a drawing mindfulness exercise.

  • How to develop social support systems – Week 4 (Wednesday 8th November)

Includes an ‘eating’ mindfulness exercise.

  • Brief introduction to managing emotion – Week 5 (Wednesday 15th November)

Includes a listening mindfulness exercise.

  • Future goal setting – Week 6 (22nd November)

A focus on your positive traits and attributes.Includes an observation mindfulness exercise.

Booking details

Please email email Alex at with a subject line of ‘6 weeks to wellbeing’ to confirm you can attend all sessions and say you’d like to be allocated a place.

What else is on for wellbeing?

If you’re looking for more wellbeing events and opportunities, check out the Student Support and Wellbeing calendar, and follow @UniKentSSW on Instagram for the latest on what’s on, resources and reminders to stay well and connected. Got a question? Email

photo of a packet of contraceptive pills, and various condoms, photographed from above on a pastel-coloured background

Do you know where to get effective contraception?

World Contraception Day is 26 September and is an international campaign, aiming to improve awareness of what contraception is and how it is used, as well as encouraging young people to look after their sexual and reproductive health. Not being educated about contraception can have colossal impacts on your life. For example, the UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) reported that “More than 217 million women and girls in the world who want to avoid getting pregnant aren’t using effective contraceptives.”

Stay safe at uni

As a part of the University of Kent community, we want you to stay safe and to stay informed. If you would like to talk to a professional about your sexual health, there are two places on the Canterbury campus that you can visit:

  • The University Nursing Service is open 24 hours, seven days a week (term-time only). Visit the Banking Hall (next to Campus Security) or call 01227 823503.
  • The University Medical Centre is located on Giles Lane. Register online to access this service and call 01227 469333 to book an appointment.

If you study at the Medway campus, you can register with a doctor near to your accommodation or go to The Advice Centre at The Hub.

Free condoms

You can also access free condoms on campus in the Mandela Student Centre reception or order online at GetIt.

Sexual health clinics and information online

Additionally, the BISH website helps you to find your nearest sexual health clinic and offers advice to address any of your sexual health concerns.

For information on sexual health and wellbeing, and initiatives for Kent’s sex positive ‘Consent Get It’ campaign, follow @UniKentSSW #ConsentGetIt.