Author Archives: Charlotte Crooks

Buttermarket, Canterbury

The impact of being a university city: Have your say

Canterbury City Council, working with the University and partners, has published a comprehensive review on the impact of higher and further education in the city, which is now open for consultation.

You can now view the full report, two-page summary and key findings and recommendations.

It is the largest piece of work of its kind to be carried out in Canterbury and looks at three themes – the economic, social and physical impact of being a university city. We are pleased to have been involved in such a substantial review and welcome the acknowledgement of the hugely positive impact the university has on the city.

The University, along with Kent Union, have worked closely with the council to represent our staff and students. Other partners include; residents’ associations, community groups, landlords, Kent Police and local businesses, working alongside independent experts on university towns and cities.

A public consultation runs until Monday, 19 December. You can:

  • Complete a survey
  • Comment on Twitter using #canterburyhefe
  • Write to: Strategy Team, Canterbury City Council, Military Road, Canterbury, CT1 1YW

We encourage staff and students to contribute to this valuable piece of work to ensure a balanced conclusion reflective of all communities within the city.