The Library User Group met on Wednesday 22 February in the Drill Hall Library. It was a drop-in style pop up session in the Group area of the library.
All students were invited to come and meet library staff in an informal setting, have a chat about the library services and maybe even win a prize with games set up by the User Services Team.
Do you want to get involved?
To find out the dates of Library User Group meetings, get involved in shaping your library or just taking part in our fun games and competitions, follow the Drill Hall Library on social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) or email us.
Leave feedback, any time
Since October the Drill Hall library also has another way of collecting everyday feedback on our services. ServMetric is on every PC in the library, the Drill Hall website and on a face-to-face terminal in the library. We welcome comments from all users of the library – students, staff and visitors.
Your feedback is helping us plan the future of our services – the facilities, resources, website, or the general environment. Please let us know what you think!