A major three-part event on the experience of refugees is being held this month in Canterbury.
It is hosted by Kent Refugee Help and the Centre for Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, University of Kent, and is part of the Canterbury Festival Fringe programme.
‘Moving a Country: Refugee Stories’ spotlights what it’s like to be a refugee. Highlights include: readings and talks by writers and former detainees, a play by an award-winning poet and playwright, and political poetry by local, national and international poets.
Moving a Country is on Saturday 25 October at Penny Theatre, 30-31 Northgate, Canterbury CT1 1BL, from 2pm-7pm. Entry is free, but there will be a donation box. To book, email: refugeestories@hotmail.com
For more information, email Bahriye Kemal on refugeestories@hotmail.com or b.kemal@kent.ac.uk.