Update on progress
It was hoped that the new HR and Payroll system Staff Connect would launch in January 2017 and with it online payslips.
In November a major step on the road to launch took place. Data was migrated from the old system to the new by the software supplier. Whilst this automated process was largely successful, it was not completely successful and therefore required the supplier to undertake some additional work, before HR, Payroll and Pensions could start the next period of testing – running the current and new systems in parallel. Unfortunately, this additional work has put the project back by at least one month.
Work on “tidying up” the data has now completed, and “parallel running” of the two systems has started this week. This final pre-launch work does not impact on staff. It is to enable HR, Payroll and Pensions and the Staff Connect Project team to conduct final testing of the new system ahead of launch. Every effort has been put in place to try and catch up as much time as possible, including having staff from the supplier on site up to the Christmas break.
We will update you again in January with the progress of the project and the new target date once the impact of the additional resources will better known.
Meanwhile, demonstrations of Staff Connect have already been given to most University Schools and Departments, the remainder are scheduled for January. If you were not able to attend your demonstration, have a look at the project support site where you can find tutorials, guidance, frequently asked questions and answers and an online video walk through of Staff Connect.
Su Westerman – Staff Connect Employee Communications & Engagement Manager