Kent Hospitality is proud to announce that our Consistent Excellence in Customer Service Award winner for 2016 is Joanna Atherton.
We would like to take the opportunity to share with you why she has received this award:
“Jo has for three years had a student living in the accommodation where she works, who has severe sight impairment. She has built up an excellent rapport with him and just very simple things like ensuring everything is put back in the right place in his room and in the kitchen plays a significant part in him being able to live independently with ease. When Jo is on leave she will always highlight to a colleague the specific needs of this student and her excellent attendance record ensures that continuity of service is achieved.
“She is also one of the 25 strong team who actively participate in the annual fire drills and her customer service excellence was also noted by another manager during one of these drills.
“When the alarm was activated she went directly to the student with the visual impairment and assisted him out of the building and to the assembly point before carrying out the room checks in her assigned area. This is something she did without being asked as she has the understanding of how frightening and disorientating this situation can be for someone with loss of sight.
“I believe the enthusiasm shown in delivering high standards is truly representative of many of our front line staff. But this team member deserves to be recognised for this award because she also gave up 22 of her 27 days leave during the conference period to support her colleagues in delivering a high standard of cleanliness to our bed and breakfast guests and as such contributed to achieving the rating of 4/5 on trip advisor, etc. Her cleaning standards during term time were monitored on 13 separate occasions and she achieved a score averaging 99% which shows she consistently exceeds our expectations and delivers to the highest level all year.
“Jo is someone who can be relied upon to provide support to guests, her colleagues and the management team whenever needed and nothing is ever too much trouble. Her happy disposition is warm and welcoming and she can naturally brighten anyone’s day and I feel totally justified in nominating her.”